
  • Ovin Sensias Malau Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu PendidikanUniversitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu PendidikanUniversitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Novalina Sembiring Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu PendidikanUniversitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Error Analysis, Report Text, Simple Present Tense


The writer was founded that the students were difficult to understand how to translate the phrase, clause, words and the sentences in the text expecially in recount text in another hand they were difficult to translate, a commos response of students, and they didn’t have a good vocabulary the felt difficultness translation while write down indonesia to English that’s why the researcher were interested to analyze the English translation especially in borrowing Tehnique. This was descriptive qualitative research which only collect, classify and analyze the data. Then drew the conclusion according to analysis without making generalization. This study deal with focusing on how someone translate the text of the theory, using translation technique and using the specific techique and dominant types. The dominant types of borrowing translation technique based on the analyzed of the researcher that the dominant types of borrowing translation technique found in recount text, there are 24 data in the text which is dominantly Naturalized Borrowing (75%) and Pure Borrowing (25%). Based on the finding and explanation in the analysis, some discussion can be withdrawn as follows. This study tried to analyze the borrowing translation technique used by the student in translating a text, there are only two types of borrowing translation technique such as pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing founded in text especially recount text which is using by students of SMK Bina Media Medan. Based on the finding in the analysis, the lexical term used in the target language consist of borrowing word which are generally assimilated with target language, and some are new to the target speakers. There is intentional and no intentional modification in the process of translation. It is to say that the type of borrowing is more oriented towards two types such as: pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. In this study the students used the dominant of aturalized borrowing when they were translating a phrase, sentences from source language to the target language.


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How to Cite

Malau, O. S. ., Ginting, F. Y. A. ., & Sembiring, N. . (2022). AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE OF REPORT TEXT AT GRADE VII SMP DHARMA WANITA MEDAN. Kairos English Language Teaching Journal, 6(2), 88–100. Retrieved from


