ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur <p>ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan berisi artikel-artikel ilmiah yang meliputi kajian di bidang Teknik khususnya Teknik Arsitektur seperti bidang ilmu perancangan arsitektur dan bidang ilmu lain yang sangat erat kaitannya seperti perencanaan kota dan daerah, desain interior, perancangan lansekap, dan sebagainya, serta penelitian-penelitian lain yang terkait dengan bidang-bidang tersebut</p> Unika Santo Thomas en-US ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2615-1472 Pemetaan Bibliometrik Perkembangan Penelitian Biofilik di Indonesia <p><em>Biophilic design, which focuses on integrating natural elements into the built environment, has developed from the biophilia hypothesis. Currently, biophilic research has expanded into various fields. This literature review using bibliometric analysis aims to explore the trends of biophilic research in Indonesia. Data was collected through Publish or Perish for the period 2014-2024. VOSviewer was used for scientific mapping, while was used for performance analysis. The results indicate that publications in scientific journals have increased over the past 5 years. Author mapping indicates some researchers are highly productive but show no co-authorship correlation. Meanwhile, mapping based on keywords depicts the dominance of research in the fields of design, architecture, and sociology. Recently, biophilic research in Indonesia has still focused on the implementation and evaluation of biophilic concepts in design, so that it is possible to open up opportunities for research collaboration in the fields of psychology, health, and ecology.</em></p> Anisza Ratnasari Yohanes Basuki Dwisusanto Copyright (c) 2024 ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 1 11 Efek Perubahan Cuaca Terhadap Grafik Kenyamanan Termal Kamar Kos <p><em>Weather changes are currently unpredictable due to increasing global warming, this will affect thermal comfort in buildings. In this case, the boarding room is used as a place of rest as well as activities should have comfort so the need for experimental quantitative research to discuss how the effect of weather changes on thermal comfort in the boarding room and how if associated with thermal comfort standards according to SNI and Ministry of Health. On the other hand, this research is expected to be able to provide references for further researchers and add reading material for peer groups. From the results of this study revealed that the weather greatly affects the thermal comfort in the building, from four days showed anomalous changes in air temperature and relative humidity in the building. The combination of air temperature and relative humidity in the boarding room is not one in the thermal comfort standards of SNI and the Ministry of Health because of the anomalies that occur as well as factors such as wall materials that absorb heat and the lack of ceiling height causes heat trapped in the boarding room.</em></p> Krisna Wijaya Nagata Copyright (c) 2024 ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 12 20 Ciri Visual Bentuk Arsitektur Masjid Lama Gang Bengkok dalam Akulturasi Budaya Medan City has a variety of ethnicities and cultures that cannot be separated from its past (history). The city of Medan, which is now known as "miniature of Indonesia", has diverse ethnic groups such as Malay, Javanese, Chinese, Tamil, Arab and European descendants. The Old Gang Bengkok Mosque is a mosque located in the city of Medan, precisely in Kesawan Village, West Medan District. This mosque was built by a merchant from China, Tjong A Fie, so that the characteristics of Chinese identity have strong characteristics in the ornaments as an implementation of an internal cultural mix, namely Malay culture and Chinese culture, in the mosque building. The result of this research is to search for data information regarding the visual characteristics of the architectural forms in this mosque so that later this collective visual data can enrich knowledge regarding the internal combination of different cultures but can be harmonious in one visual unity. The research methodology in this study uses descriptive qualitative. Kota Medan memiliki ragam etnis, budaya yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dari masa lalunya (sejarahnya). Kota Medan yang dikenal sekarang sebagai “miniatur Indonesia” memiliki suku bangsa yang beragam seperti Melayu, Jawa, Tionghoa, Tamil, Arab, dan keturunan Eropa. Masjid Lama Gang Bengkok adalah masjid yang terletak di kota Medan, tepatnya di Kelurahann Kesawan, Kecamatan Medan Barat. Masjid ini dibangun oleh saudagar yang berasal dari China, Tjong A Fie, sehingga ciri khas identitas Tionghoa memiliki karakteristik yang kuat dalam ornamen sebagai penerapan perpaduan intern budaya yaitu budaya Melayu dan budaya Tionghoa pada bangunan Masjid tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari informasi data mengenai ciri visual bentuk arsitektural yang ada pada masjid ini sehingga nantinya kolektif data visual ini dapat memperkaya keilmuan mengenai perpaduan intern budaya yang berbeda tetapi dapat harmonis dalam satu kesatuan visual. Metodologi penelitian pada penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Yulianto Copyright (c) 2024 ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 21 27 Adaptabilitas Gedung Komersial Hipermarket melalui Proses Konversi Fungsi <p>Beberapa negara di dunia telah menerapkan kebijakan konversi fungsi bangunan lama menjadi fungsi baru untuk mendukung terwujudnya siklus bangunan yang berkelanjutan. Di Indonesia terdapat banyak bangunan kosong akibat perubahan situasi lingkungan, seperti berubahnya industri komersial ritel. Penurunan penjualan perusahaan ritel terjadi akibat perubahan pola berbelanja masyarakat yang beralih ke digital. Salah satu industri ritel yang terdampak oleh gaya hidup masyarakat yang berubah ialah perusahaan di bidang hipermarket Giant yang memutuskan menutup sejumlah besar gerai di Indonesia pada tahun 2021. Studi ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi perubahan fungsi bangunan hypermarket untuk melihat kemampuan beradaptasi suatu bangunan. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder, baik dari penelitian lain sebelumnya, pedoman konversi dari kajian terdahulu, hingga kajian teori yang terkait dengan perubahan bangunan yang beradaptasi. Dilanjutkan dengan pengamatan di lokasi salah satu studi kasus untuk mengidentifikasi potensi perubahan serta kategori perubahan yang terjadi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan perlu dilihat dari lingkungan, bangunan serta unit di dalam bangunan. Lingkungan seperti kualitas alam, citra sosial yang sehat, kelengkapan fasilitas umum dan sosial serta aksesibilitas transportasi umum mempengaruhi potensi fungsi baru. Faktor kesiapan bangunan untuk beradaptasi dilihat dari kondisi fisik bangunan dan aspek teknis. Transformasi unit yang ada di dalam bangunan dapat merefleksikan efektivitas adaptasi yang dilakukan. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat mendorong kebijakan pemangku kepentingan dan pemilik bangunan dalam mengatasi kekosongan gedung sekaligus optimasi adaptabilitas bangunan</p> Imaniar Sofia Asharhani Copyright (c) 2024 ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 28 38 Pendekatan Arsitek Franky Parulian Simanjuntak pada Pengembangan Simarjarunjung Hound Sky <p><em>Lake Toba is one of the five North Sumatra destinations considered to be Indonesian Super Priority Destinations. Information obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Simalungun Regency indicates that the number of visitors to Lake Toba tourism spots within Simalungun Regency increased by 55% in 2023. Most of these visitors come from the Parapat and Bukit Indah Simarjarunjung regions. As a result of the numerous national and international events held on Lake Toba, such as the International Formula 1 Powerboat Championship event (F1 Powerboat), the number of accommodations will increase to 83 in 2022. As a consequence of this, the Simalungun region of Lake Toba generally has a high number of accommodations that are in high demand. To accommodate tourists, the Toba Caldera region calls for establishing resorts and other tourist accommodations. Qualitative research methodologies are utilised in this research method. To ensure that the design that is implemented incorporates the Neo-Vernacular architecture of the Simalungun Batak culture, the development of Simarjarunjung Hound Sky in the Toba Caldera region can be accomplished through the approach of architect Franky Parulian Simanjuntak. This can be accomplished by incorporating elements of local culture into the design and utilising Neo-Vernacular architecture.</em></p> Aulia Muflih Nasution Frenky Andrian Copyright (c) 2024 ALUR : Jurnal Arsitektur 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 7 1 39 50