<p><strong>Jurnal AGROSUSTAIN </strong> diterbitkan oleh <strong>Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan </strong>bekerjasama dengan <strong>LPPM Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas</strong>. Jurnal ini mengakomodir artikel/karya ilmiah meliputi agronomi, ilmu tanah, hama dan penyakit, teknologi benih, pemuliaan tanaman, pascapanen, dan sosial ekonomi pertanian. Naskah yang dimuat dapat berupa hasil penelitian, telaah/tinjauan literatur, penelitian singkat (short communication) dan gagasan penting dalam bidang pertanian.</p>LPPM Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medanen-USAGROSUSTAIN0000-0000Pemanfaatan Tanah TPA Terjun terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia)
<p>This research aims to determine the effect of the quantity and distance of land collection from the Terjun Landfill and the effect of the interaction of these two treatments on the growth of lavender plants (Lavandula angustifolia). Landfill soil is land in a final disposal site where, in this soil the organic nutrient content is quite high, but you need to know that apart from organic waste in landfill land there is also electronic waste, resulting in metal elements contained in landfill soil being also quite high. This research was carried out in screen house, Faculty of Agriculture, Santo Thomas Catholic University, Medan, with an altitude of 32 meters above sea level starting from February to April 2024. This research used a randomized block design (RAK) with 2 factors. The first factor is the distance to take landfill land (J) which consists of 3 levels, namely: J1= 0 m, J2= 52 m, J3= 104 m. The second factor is the quantity of landfill soil (M) consists of four levels, namely M1 = without landfill soil (Control), M2 = 3 kg, M3 = 4 kg, M4 = 5 kg. Data analysis uses analysis of variance. The parameters observed were plant height, number of shoots, root wet weight, root dry weight, root volume, shoot wet weight and soil pH. Based on the research results, it can be stated that the distance factor for taking soil has a very significant influence on plant height, number of shoots, root volume and wet weight of lavender plant crowns. The quantity of soil has a significant effect on plant height and the interaction between the distance from the landfill and the quantity of landfill soil has a significant effect on the wet weight of the canopy.</p>Delima PanjaitanYustina Sri SulastriOktaria Saitararak
Copyright (c) 2025 Delima Panjaitan, Yustina Sri Sulastri, Oktaria Saitararak
2025-01-312025-01-3131110Variasi Dosis Mulsa Organik Akasia dan Kirinyuh dalam Mengendalikan Gulma pada Tanaman Kedelai : Studi Karateristik Hasil Tanaman Kedelai
<p>The success of controlling weeds in soybean plantations, apart from being determined by the type, also determines the dose of mulch. This research aims to obtain the type and dosage of organic mulch to control weeds in soybean plantations. The research was carried out from August to December 2024, in Lawe Sagu Hulu Village, Lawe Bulan District, Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. The types of organic mulch used are: acacia and kirinyuh, and the doses used are: 0; 4.8; 9.6; 14.4 and 19.2 tons ha-1. The design used was a bifactorial randomized block design with 4 replications. The variables observed were: number of pods, number of seeds, seed weight, weight of 100 seeds and dry seed yield. The research results showed that an organic mulch dose of 19.2 tons ha-1 could increase the number of pods, number of seeds, seed weight and dry seed yield. Independently, the type of mulch and the interaction between type and dose had no effect on the observed soybean crop yields.</p>Anuar RamutRika Yusli HartaMario PaniLentina SitinjakTika Puji Gunawiati
Copyright (c) 2025 Anuar Ramut, Rika Yusli Harta, Mario Pani, Lentina Sitinjak, Tika Puji Gunawiati
2025-01-312025-01-31311116Respon Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Bawang Prei (Allium Fistolusum L.) dengan Dosis Kascing yang Berbeda
Yustina Sri SulastriDedi KusbiantoroWelda Siagian
Copyright (c) 2025 Yustina Sri Sulastri, Dedi Kusbiantoro, Welda Siagian
2025-01-312025-01-31311725Variasi Dosis Mulsa Organik Akasia dan Kirinyuh dalam Mengendalikan Gulma pada Tanaman Kedelai : Studi Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai
<p>The success of controlling weeds in soybean plantations, apart from being determined by the type, also determines the dose of mulch. This research aims to obtain the type and dosage of organic mulch to control weeds in soybean plantations. The research was carried out from August to December 2024, in Lawe Sagu Hulu Village, Lawe Bulan District, Southeast Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. The types of organic mulch used are: acacia and kirinyuh, and the doses used are: 0; 4.8; 9.6; 14.4 and 19.2 tons ha-1. The design used was a bifactorial randomized block design with 4 replications. The variables observed were: plant height, number of leaves, root wet weight and plant wet weight. The results of the research show that the kirinyuh type of organic mulch can increase plant height during the 20th and 30th daily periods. An organic mulch dose of 14.4 tons ha-1 can increase the height of soybean plants for the 20, 30 and 40 daily periods and increase the wet weight of soybean plants for the 20, 30, 40 and 50 daily periods. A dose of 19.2 tons ha-1 can increase the wet weight of roots for 20 daily periods. There was no interaction between the type and dose of acacia and kirinyuh organic mulch on the observation of soybean plant growth.</p>Anuar RamutRika Yusli HartaMario PaniLentina SitinjakAdhaini Mahfirah
Copyright (c) 2025 Anuar Ramut, Rika Yusli Harta, Mario Pani, Lentina Sitinjak, Adhaini Mahfirah
2025-01-312025-01-31312631Pengaruh Konsentrasi AB Mix terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Sawi Pakcoy (Brassica Rapa L.) Secara Hidroponik Sistem Rakit Apung
<p>This research aims to determine the effect of AB MIX concentration on the growth and yield of Pakcoy mustard greens (Brassica rapa L.) using a hydroponic floating raft system. This research also aims to see the growth response of Pak Choy mustard greens to the AB Mix nutrient concentration given and find out which concentration is best for the growth and production of Pak Choy mustard greens using a hydroponic floating raft system. The pak choy plant (Brassica rapa L.) or what is also commonly called spoon mustard greens is a type of leaf vegetable that is classified as mustard greens. Pakcoy is currently one of the favorite vegetables in Indonesia besides mustard greens and lettuce. This plant is used by the community, especially traders, for various kinds of food preparations and also as decoration. Pakcoy plants have thick leaf bones so they are crunchy when consumed. This research used a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 1 factor studied, namely the nutritional effect of AB Mix, which consisted of 4 treatment levels, namely A0 = without AB Mix, A1 = 35 ml AB Mix/9 liters of water, A2 = 40 ml AB Mix/9 liters of water and K3 = 45 ml AB Mix/9 liters of water. The parameters observed in this study consisted of plant height, number of leaves, root length, wet weight per plant (sample), plant wet weight per plot, root wet weight, root dry weight (oven).</p>Patricius SipayungRio Stepanus TariganRicky Tampe Tuahta Pinem
Copyright (c) 2025 Patricius Sipayung, Rio Stepanus Tarigan, Ricky Tampe Tuahta Pinem
2025-01-312025-01-31313238Pemupukan N.P.K.Ca.Mg Berimbang dengan Prinsip Empat Tepat terhadap Kakao Produktip (Theobroma Cacao L.) KLON TSH 858
<p>Cocoa productivity and its quality are still low (<2 tons ha-1), in order to increase its productivity through fertilization, it is necessary to be tested by using balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilizer with right formula and dosage. The research was done by 3 field experimental series at the cocoa seed farm (TSH 858 clone) owned by IOPRI at Sei Pancur, Deli Serdang on the altitude of 72 m. The research studies were: (1) the influence of balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilization; (2) the influence of formula and dosage of N.P.K.Ca.Mg of 12,5 : 10,9 : 16,4 : 10,3 : 4,6 and 12,9 : 11,4 : 16,8 : 10,6 : 4,8; and (3) the influence of the time of applying balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilization of 12,9 : 11,4 : 16,8 : 10,6 : 4,8 with pruning on cocoa flushing, flowering and pod reserves. The research method included: (1) non-factorial group random design with 6 levels of balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilization, for research-1; (2) nested factorial group random design with 2 levels (the best) of balanced fertilizer formula and 4 levels of dosage ratio (80%-140%), for research-2; and (3) non-factorial group random design with 4 levels of the time of applying balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilization related to heavy pruning, for research-3. Research-1 showed that, balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg 12,5 : 10,9 : 16,4 : 10,3 : 4,6 and 12,9 : 11,4 : 16,8 : 10,6 : 4,8 fertilization indicated the better result on number of flower and pod reserves. Research-2 showed that, the formula of N.P.K.Ca.Mg fertilizer of 12,9 : 11,4 : 16,8 : 10,6 : 4,8 which tended to have the highest ratio of dosage (1,120 g plant-1) indicated the best result on number of flower and pod reserves. Research-3 showed that, application of fertilization 2 weeks after pruning indicated the best result. Potential yields can be increased from 680 kg ha-1 by tentative fertilization to 6,180 kg ha-1 by balanced N.P.K.Ca.Mg 12.9: 11.4: 16.8: 10.6: 4.8 fertilization.</p>Nurdin SitohangErwin M. HarahapChairani HanumTumpal H.S. SiregarHasril Siregar
Copyright (c) 2025 Nurdin Sitohang, Erwin M. Harahap, Chairani Hanum, Tumpal H.S. Siregar, Hasril Siregar
2025-01-312025-01-31313949Pengaruh Dua Susunan dan Kepadatan Lubang Tanam terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi Hijau pada Budidaya Vertikultur
<p>This research aims to determine the effect of two arrangements and density of planting holes on the growth and yield of the kumala mustard variety (Brassica juncea L) in verticulture cultivation. This research was carried out behind the screen house of the Faculty of Agriculture, Santo Thomas Catholic University, Jln. Setia Budi 479 F, Tanjung Sari Medan, North Sumatra Province with an altitude of ± 32 meters above sea level. Starting from May-June 2024. This research used a non-factorial Complete Randomized Block Design (RAKL) consisting of 6 treatments with 3 replications. The treatment factors are P1 = 4 x 12 holes/stem, L1 = 4 x 12 holes/stem, P2 = 4 x 9 holes/stem, L2 = 4 x 9 holes/stem, P3 = 4 x 7 holes/stem, L3 = 4 x 7 Holes/rod. The tools used in this research were pipes (4 inches), saws, machetes, paranets, tape measures, verses, pencils, drink bottles, drills, pottray cups, and wood. The materials used were mustard seeds (kumala variety), wire, soil (soil cleaned of rubbish), water, chicken and goat manure. The research data were analyzed using variance based on a linear model. The effect of the two arrangement treatments and the density of the number of planting holes had no significant influence on the number of leaves, leaf length and fresh weight of plant roots. However, it has a real influence on the height of the green mustard plant, the wet weight per plant and the wet weight of the plant per unit. The best treatment among the other treatments is the L2 treatment (horizontal arrangement with 9 holes.</p>Sixtus HutaurukRio Stepanus TariganJosafat Sinaga
Copyright (c) 2025 Sixtus Hutauruk, Rio Stepanus Tarigan, Josafat Sinaga