AGROSUSTAIN <p><strong>Jurnal AGROSUSTAIN </strong> diterbitkan oleh <strong>Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan </strong>bekerjasama dengan <strong>LPPM Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas</strong>. Jurnal ini mengakomodir artikel/karya ilmiah meliputi agronomi, ilmu tanah, hama dan penyakit, teknologi benih, pemuliaan tanaman, pascapanen, dan sosial ekonomi pertanian. Naskah yang dimuat dapat berupa hasil penelitian, telaah/tinjauan literatur, penelitian singkat (short communication) dan gagasan penting dalam bidang pertanian.</p> LPPM Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan en-US AGROSUSTAIN 0000-0000 KARAKTERISTIK BUAH DAN BIJI KAKAO (Theobroma cacao L.) PADA BERBAGAI ALTITUDE DI DATARAN TINGGI HUMBAHAS <p>The cocoa beans of small holder were usually still low quality, one of it caused by planting location of various altitude. The focus of this research were characteristic of cocoa pod and beans on several altitudes in Humbahas highland. The research method were survey as purposive sampling on four altitudes as 865, 960, 1030, and 1118 m from sea levels. The observed parameters were pod size, pod diametre, pod volume, dry weight of pods, dry weight of kolven, dry weight of beans, bean count per pod, and dry weight per bean at 4 different altitudes in Humbahas highland (&gt;800 m asl) with 10 pods (replications) at each altitudes.&nbsp; The results of research showed that: pod size increased, pod diametre increased, pod dry weight increased, dry weight of beans increased, bean count per pod increased, and dry weight each bean increased with the increasing of altitude. The best pods and beans were at altitude of 960 m asl, namely fruit length 18.10 cm, fruit dry weight 85,92 g, beans dry weight 39,02 g, number of beans per fruit 38,7 and average weight per bean 1,02 g. The physical characteristics of cocoa pods and beans are still in the normal category.</p> nurdin sitohang Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2 1 1 9 Deskripsi Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bibit Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) Varietas Granola dari Kultur Jaringan (Planlet) dan Stek Mini, Studi Kasus Taruna Bina Tani <p>This research aims to describe the production of Granola Variety potato seeds from tissue culture (plantlets) and mini cuttings in the Taruna Bina Tani green house in Bukit Village, Dolat Rakyat District, Karo Regency. The observation technique is carried out by direct observation and running a questionnaire. Mini cuttings plants sourced from plantlets will have the same genetic characteristics as their parents, meaning that even though the shoot stem cuttings are small, the results of propagation using the mini shoot cuttings system are also the same as plants originating from tissue culture seeds (parent seeds). Toruna Bina Tani is one of the producers of virus-free Granola Variety potato seeds in Tanah Karo. This business started in 2018. The breeding screen house covers an area of 5000 meters which actively produces generation 0 (G0) to generation 2 (G2) potato seeds which are distributed to farmers.The results showed that the growth of plantlets and mini cuttings was not different, the production of the number of plantlet tubers was greater than the production of the number of tubers of mini cuttings, on the other hand, the weight of tubers per plant, the weight of tubers per tuber and the weight of tubers per rack were smaller in plantlets than in mini cuttings. . Propagation via mini cuttings taken from plantlets is very effective in accelerating the fulfillment of quality seeds (G0). Each individual plantlet can produce 83.8 mini cuttings.</p> sixtus hutauruk Rio Stepanus Tarigan Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2 1 10 19 PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BUAH-BUAHAN SEBAGAI EKOENZYME DAN PUPUK KANDANG SAPI UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN SELADA HIJAU (LACTUCA SATIVA L.) <p><em>This research aims to determine the effect of providing eco-enzymes and cow manure on the growth of lettuce plants. This research was carried out in Bandar Baru Village, Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang Regency and was carried out from July to September 2023. This research used a factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) consisting of 2 factors. The first factor in giving cow manure (P) consists of 4 levels, namely P0: 0 tons/ha (0 g/bed), P1: 10 tons/ha (126 g/bed), P2: 20 tons/ha (251 g/bed). bed), P3: 30 tons/ha (377 g/bed) and the second factor of ecoenzyme (K) consists of 3 levels, namely K0: 0 ml/plant, K1: 6 ml/plant, K2: 8 ml/plant , and K3: 10 ml/plant. Data analysis uses analysis of variance. The research results showed that cow manure had a real influence on plant height, number of leaves, net root weight, plot wet weight and plot dry weight. The highest plants were obtained at a dose of 251 gr. Ecoenzyme had a significant effect on net root weight, plot wet weight, and plot dry weight. The interaction between giving cow manure and giving eco-enzymes had no effect on the parameters of plant height, number of leaves, net root weight, plot wet weight, plot dry weight.</em></p> delima panjaitan yustina sri sulastri Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-11 2024-05-11 2 1 20 27 PENGARUH UMUR PEMANGKASAN PUCUK DAUN DAN PEMBERIAN PUPUK KANDANG AYAM TERHADAP PRODUKSI TANAMAN MENTIMUN (Cacumis sativus L.) <p>One of the ways to increase cucumber production is through intensive cultivation techniques with a shoot pruning system and the application of organic fertilizers. The focus of this research is to optimize fruit quality and quantity. This research was conducted at Jalan Anggrek II Simpang Selayang, Medan Tuntungan District, Medan City, North Sumatra, starting in December 2023 until February 2024, using a Randomized Group Design (RAK) consisting of two factors. Parameters observed in this study were the number of fruits per plant, weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant, fruit diameter and fruit length. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that pruning shoots at the age of 29 days after planting significantly increases the number of fruits per plant, weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant, fruit diameter and fruit length. Doses of chicken manure significantly increased the number of fruits per plant, weight per fruit, fruit weight per plant, fruit diameter and fruit length. The interaction between shoot pruning and manure dose had no significant effect on all parameters observed. Pruning shoots at the age of 29 days after planting increased the number of fruits per fruit by 9.06%, increased fruit weight per plant by 19.78%, increased fruit weight per plot by 28.35%.</p> lentina sitinjak kurnia selekta etika harefa Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-10 2024-05-10 2 1 28 32 KAJIAN TANAMAN JATI (TECTONA GRANDIS) DI DESA SARI NEMBAH KABUPATEN KARO MELALUI ANALISIS KEKERABATAN BERDASARKAN KARAKTER MORFOLOGI <p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the morphophysiological characteristics of teak plants (Tectona grandis) in Sarinembah Village, Karo Regency. The research method employed in this study is a survey method, focusing on identifying the morphological characteristics of teak plants in Sarinembah Village, Karo Regency, and North Sumatra Province. The study explores the morphological characteristics of teak plants, including leaf color, leaf shape, leaf tip, leaf base, leaf edge, leaf surface texture, leaf vein pattern, height, and diameter of teak trees. The results show variation in leaf color depending on the position on the tree, with leaves typically being elliptical or inverted egg-shaped, pointed at the tip and base with flat edges, rough surface texture, and reticulate leaf veins. Additionally, the height and diameter of teak trees vary, influenced by genetic factors affecting tree growth.</p> rio tarigan patricius sipayung Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2 1 33 39 RESPON PERTUMBUHAN TANAMAN CABAI RAWIT (Capsicum frutescens L.) TERHADAP KONSENTRASI DAN FREKUENSI EKOENZIM <p>Chili, which is one of the seven national strategic commodities, shows fluctuating export <br>figures and import figures that tend to increase. It is necessary to implement a cultivation<br>technology to increase the growth of chili plants. One technique for cultivating chilies uses<br>ecoenzymes. Research to see the effect of ecoenzymes on the growth of cayenne pepper plants has<br>been carried out. This research used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD), namelythe <br>first factor was the ecoenzyme concentration consisting of 4 treatment levels, namely: K0 : 0<br>ml/500 ml water, K1 : 15 ml/500 ml water, K2 : 30 ml/500 ml water, K3: 45 ml/500 ml water. The <br>second factor is the frequency of ecoenzymes consisting of 3 treatment levels, namely: F1: 1time <br>a week, F2: 2 times a week, F3: 3 times a week. Statistical testing was carried out by compiling a <br>list from analysis of variance. For treatments that had a significant effect, a mean difference test <br>was carried out with an honest significant difference test at the 5% level and continued with <br>regression analysis. The parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands),<br>stem diameter (cm). The results showed that both concentration and frequency factors did not have <br>a significant influence on all parameters except the number of leaves parameter. The increasing <br>ecoenzyme concentration to 45 ml/500 ml of water increased the number of leaves by 49.59 pieces.</p> Yustina Sri Sulastri Copyright (c) 2024 AGROSUSTAIN 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2 1 40 45