Legal Protection of Partiesin International Contracts


  • Yudhi Herianto Zebua Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Maidin Gultom Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


foreign elements, harmonization, international contracts, legal protection, the principle of nationality


Presence of foreign elements in international contracts is a this characteristic of it’s contracts. On the other hand, the principle of nationality applies, which requires a person to be bound by his own national law, which is the reason for research to find the form of legal protection and the application of the principle of good faith as an effort to protect the parties in international contracts. This research is normative in nature, which uses a theoretical approach and analytical methods which are included in the discipline of dogmatic law. The results show that the form of legal protection in international contracts is carried out by harmonizing two different legal systems through the ratification of international conventions and the application of its principle as an effort to protect the parties by interpreting good faith as honesty in business conduct, transactions and honesty in facts and respect for reasonable trade standards.


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How to Cite

Zebua, Y. H. ., & Gultom, M. (2023). Legal Protection of Partiesin International Contracts. International Conference of Omnibus Omnia, 1, 9–15. Retrieved from

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