Problematics of Cyber Law in International Trade Contracts


  • Amri Panjaitan Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Elisabeth Nurhaini Butarbutar Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Authenticity, electronic system, jurisdiction, problematic, international trade


The use of electronic in transactions can be more efficient and effective and  penetrate the jurisdictional boundaries of a certain country without having to move, but can cause issues related to the authenticity of data and the jurisdiction of courts. This problematic is the reason for research on these problems. This research is a normative legal so that the method of analysis of library materials is used with inductive thinking techniques. The results, show that the authenticity of information and documents is determined by the existence of  the data that can be accessed, and its integrity is guaranteed. In the settlement of disputes in international trade, it is based on the will of the parties, but Indonesia does not yet have specific regulations regarding international electronic agreements so that Indonesian law is still not an option in international electronic agreements, as a result it cannot provide legal certainty for parties.


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How to Cite

Panjaitan, A. ., & Butarbutar, E. N. . (2023). Problematics of Cyber Law in International Trade Contracts. International Conference of Omnibus Omnia, 1, 16–24. Retrieved from

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