Legal Protection of Victims Defamation Through Electronic Media


  • Ganda Maruhum Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Anastasia Reni Widyastuti Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Victim Protection, Defamation, Media


Technological developments bring both positive and negative consequences, one of which is defamation through electronic media. The purpose of writing is: To find out the legal protection for victims of defamation; and efforts that can be made to overcome the criminal act of defamation through electronic media. Legal protection for victims of criminal acts of defamation in Indonesia has been endeavored to the fullest extent possible, but its implementation can be affected by various kinds of problems, including: Problems in Making Legislation; Victory Seeking Society is not Justice; Money that colors Law Enforcement; Law Enforcement as a Political Commodity; Discriminatory Law Enforcement and Ewuh Pakewuh; Weak Quality and Integrity of Human Resources; Advocate Knows Law versus Advocate Knows Connection; Budget Limitations; Law Enforcement Triggered by Mass Media; and Law enforcement is controlled by the press. Efforts that can be made to overcome defamation through Electronic Information and Transaction tools can be carried out by: Penal and non-penal efforts, as well as preventive efforts, persuasive efforts and repressive efforts. All these efforts must be supported by cooperation between law enforcement officials and the community. Law enforcement efforts depend on the operation of the law in society and are not only the responsibility of law enforcement officials, but also our responsibility as a law-abiding society.


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How to Cite

Maruhum, G. ., & Widyastuti, A. R. . (2023). Legal Protection of Victims Defamation Through Electronic Media. International Conference of Omnibus Omnia, 1, 34–40. Retrieved from

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