Indonesian Law Formulation in Overcoming Child Sexual Exploitation Through Internet Technology


  • Sharen Sindra Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Elizabeth Ghozali Postgraduate, Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Child sexual exploitation, internet technology, formulation


Technology advances in the globalization era significantly impact the current social life, embodied in the innovation of the internet. The internet is very beneficial in helping people communicate and access information. This situation produces numerous social applications accessible online. Information technology development is a double-sided sword with all the advantages and disadvantages of technology utilization, particularly by irresponsible parties. In the same position, children are potential victims of technology misuse, primarily sexual exploitation in child pornography, child trafficking, and child sex tourism. Indonesia has many regulations to protect children, including legal instruments in technology and electronic transaction fields. However, not all regulations are optimized for actualizing legal protection for children.


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How to Cite

Sindra, S. ., & Ghozali, E. . (2023). Indonesian Law Formulation in Overcoming Child Sexual Exploitation Through Internet Technology. International Conference of Omnibus Omnia, 1, 41–45. Retrieved from

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