International Conference of Omnibus Omnia <p>InCOMNIA is a scientific publication managed by the Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas. Published once a year in March.</p> en-US Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 OJS 60 Mercy in John 20:19-31 and Its Actualization <p>This study aims to examine whether the Gospel of John 20:19-31 contains a theology of mercy. This theology is actualized in the Catholic Church’s tradition, especially in the liturgical celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday, where it uses John 20:19-31 as the third reading in the Eucharist. The passage of John 20:19-31, in fact, does not employ the word “mercy” or “love.” It narrates the appearance of the risen Jesus to the frightened disciples. Applying synchronic and diachronic approaches to the text, this article will show that John 20:19-31 contains theologically “mercy” described in the acts of Jesus Christ: His appearance, his presence, and his forgiveness. Mercy belongs to God; it depicts the character of Jesus Christ, and it was taught by Jesus for His disciples to practice. Even though in the Church Fathers’ writings and the Ecclesiastical Documents, John 20:19-31 has been related to the theme of mercy, in this article it will be observed textually to find that it richly reflects the theology of mercy.</p> Arie Rizky Oktavianus Saragih, F.X. Marmidi Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Baptism According to Matthew 3:13-17 and the Martutuaek’s Rite <p>This study examines if the story of Jesus’ baptism according to the Gospel of Matthew 3:13-17 is read and interpreted by someone who knows the rite of <em>martutuaek </em>in the tradition of Batak Toba’s community. Baptism is one of the special ceremonies used to accept and enter outsiders into a particular community or group as full members with all their obligations and rights. This ceremony is called "initiation". The word "initiation" comes from the Latin terms "<em>inire</em>" or "initiare," which mean: to enter or join into a group; or also accept someone into a group. <em>Martutuaek</em> is an initiation rite in the Batak Toba community, while Matthew 3:13-17 narrates Jesus’ baptism. The dialog between Jesus’ baptism and <em>martutuaek</em> would be fruitful in interpreting the Scriptures hermeneutically. Culture can pave the way for contextually sharpening Scripture, and Scripture provides illumination and fulfillment for culture. The <em>martutuaek’s</em> rite can be seen in the light of Jesus’ baptism according to Matthew 3:13-17. However, for Christians, as the Scripture’s text, Matthew 3:13-17 has a higher position than <em>martutuaek</em> since it is about God’s revelations.</p> Febri Novel Sinaga, F.X. Marmidi Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 The Effect Of Employment Education And Training On Increasing Employees Work Productivity at PT. Sagami Indonesia <p>The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the effect of education and job training on increasing employee productivity either partially or simultaneously. The approach used in this study is an associative approach. The population in this study were all employees at PT. Indonesian Sagami. The sample in this study using the slovin formula totaling 92 employees of PT. Indonesian Sagami. Data collection techniques in this study used interview techniques, documentation studies, observation, and questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this study uses the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test, Hypothesis Testing (t Test and F Test), and Coefficient of Determination. The data processing in this study used the SPSS (Statistic Package for the Social Sciences) software program version 24.00. The results of this study prove that partially and simultaneously education and job training have an effect on increasing employee productivity at PT. Indonesian Sagami.</p> Resi Amelia Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 The Influence of Places and Facilities on People's Buying Interest (Case Study of Jatibaru Garden Housing) <p>This study aims to determine the effect of place on people's buying interest in Jatibaru Garden housing, (2) to determine the effect of facilities on people's buying interest in Jatibaru Garden housing. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion that has been carried out, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained the coefficient value for the facility variable (X1) of 0.123. 0.030 &lt; 0.05. So it can be concluded that the facility has a significant effect on people's buying interest in Jatibaru Garden housing (H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected). (2) The results of multiple linear regression analysis obtained the coefficient value for the location variable (X2) of 0.157 based on the t test, the value tcount &gt; ttable that is equal to 2.267 &gt; 1.985 with a significance value of 0.026 &lt; 0.05. So it can be concluded that the place has a significant effect on people's buying interest in Jatibaru Garden housing (H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected).</p> Supriani Barus Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Basic Jurisdiction of State Court to Settle International Trade Disputes Through Electronic Systems <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the basic jurisdiction of the district court in adjudicating international trade transaction disputes through the electronic system and the application of civil law principles in the settlement of international trade disputes within the jurisdiction of the district court. This study uses normative legal research methods. which examines norms by examining secondary data sourced from legal regulations related to the problem. The results of the study show that the court's jurisdiction is based on violations of the precautionary principle in the use of technology and information systems that are detrimental to Indonesia's interests, while the principle of civil process in the settlement of international trade disputes uses the principle of place. and where the assets are located so that it is very possible to be implemented as a principle that determines the authority to adjudicate.</p> Rina Octavia Panjaitan, Elizabeth Ghozali Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Rab, 22 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Legal Protection of Partiesin International Contracts <p>Presence of foreign elements in international contracts is a this characteristic of it’s contracts. On the other hand, the principle of nationality applies, which requires a person to be bound by his own national law, which is the reason for research to find the form of legal protection and the application of the principle of good faith as an effort to protect the parties in international contracts. This research is normative in nature, which uses a theoretical approach and analytical methods which are included in the discipline of dogmatic law. The results show that the form of legal protection in international contracts is carried out by harmonizing two different legal systems through the ratification of international conventions and the application of its principle as an effort to protect the parties by interpreting good faith as honesty in business conduct, transactions and honesty in facts and respect for reasonable trade standards.</p> Yudhi Herianto Zebua, Maidin Gultom Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Kam, 23 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Problematics of Cyber Law in International Trade Contracts <p>The use of electronic in transactions can be more efficient and effective and&nbsp; penetrate the jurisdictional boundaries of a certain country without having to move, but can cause issues related to the authenticity of data and the jurisdiction of courts. This problematic is the reason for research on these problems. This research is a normative legal so that the method of analysis of library materials is used with inductive thinking techniques. The results, show that the authenticity of information and documents is determined by the existence of&nbsp; the data that can be accessed, and its integrity is guaranteed. In the settlement of disputes in international trade, it is based on the will of the parties, but Indonesia does not yet have specific regulations regarding international electronic agreements so that Indonesian law is still not an option in international electronic agreements, as a result it cannot provide legal certainty for parties.</p> Amri Panjaitan, Elisabeth Nurhaini Butarbutar Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Sab, 25 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Cyber Law Regulatory System in International Trade Transactions <p>This study aims to determine the system of cyber legal arrangements in international agreements, and the application of contract law principles in international electronic transactions. The legal research conducted is normative in nature using secondary data with analytical-juridical methods. The results of the study show that the system for regulating cyber law in international agreements in Indonesia is contained in the Information and Electronic Transactions Law No. Civil law in electronic transactions, especially the basic principles that apply in international trade because between international trade and agreements in the Civil Code both give birth to legal relations between parties who are both subject to the same legal system and between parties who have foreign elements by using electronic.</p> Roy Simanjuntak, Djamanat Samosir Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Sab, 25 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Legal Protection of Victims Defamation Through Electronic Media <p>Technological developments bring both positive and negative consequences, one of which is defamation through electronic media. The purpose of writing is: To find out the legal protection for victims of defamation; and efforts that can be made to overcome the criminal act of defamation through electronic media. Legal protection for victims of criminal acts of defamation in Indonesia has been endeavored to the fullest extent possible, but its implementation can be affected by various kinds of problems, including: Problems in Making Legislation; Victory Seeking Society is not Justice; Money that colors Law Enforcement; Law Enforcement as a Political Commodity; Discriminatory Law Enforcement and Ewuh Pakewuh; Weak Quality and Integrity of Human Resources; Advocate Knows Law versus Advocate Knows Connection; Budget Limitations; Law Enforcement Triggered by Mass Media; and Law enforcement is controlled by the press. Efforts that can be made to overcome defamation through Electronic Information and Transaction tools can be carried out by: Penal and non-penal efforts, as well as preventive efforts, persuasive efforts and repressive efforts. All these efforts must be supported by cooperation between law enforcement officials and the community. Law enforcement efforts depend on the operation of the law in society and are not only the responsibility of law enforcement officials, but also our responsibility as a law-abiding society.</p> Ganda Maruhum, Anastasia Reni Widyastuti Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Sab, 25 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100 Indonesian Law Formulation in Overcoming Child Sexual Exploitation Through Internet Technology <p>Technology advances in the globalization era significantly impact the current social life, embodied in the innovation of the internet. The internet is very beneficial in helping people communicate and access information. This situation produces numerous social applications accessible online. Information technology development is a double-sided sword with all the advantages and disadvantages of technology utilization, particularly by irresponsible parties. In the same position, children are potential victims of technology misuse, primarily sexual exploitation in child pornography, child trafficking, and child sex tourism. Indonesia has many regulations to protect children, including legal instruments in technology and electronic transaction fields. However, not all regulations are optimized for actualizing legal protection for children.</p> Sharen Sindra, Elizabeth Ghozali Copyright (c) 2023 International Conference of Omnibus Omnia Sab, 25 Feb 2023 00:00:00 +0100