
  • SHAFA EDITYA KARTIKA SARI Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar
  • ENDANG KARTINI PANGGIARTI Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar
  • SUCI NASEHATI SUNANINGSIH Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar



E-Finance, Implementation, Preparation of financial


This research aims to convey an illustration of how the implementation of the process of preparing financial statements in Temanggung Regency compiled by BPKPAD and knowing what are the problems it is facing. The problems faced are related to the level of regional device work units (SKPD) that are late in the submission of SKPD financial statements to BPKPAD. with the problems that arise, it will affect the work process on BPKPAD such as delays during the realization of consolidated reports. The method used in this study is a case study using a type of qualitative method. This research object unit is at the Financial Management, Investment and Regional Assets Agency (BPKPAD) of Temanggung Regency. The results showed that BPKPAD Temanggung Regency uses the E-Financial software system in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.

Author Biographies

SHAFA EDITYA KARTIKA SARI, Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar

<em>This research aims to convey an illustration of how the implementation of the process of preparing financial statements in Temanggung Regency compiled by BPKPAD and knowing what are the problems it is facing. The problems faced are related to the level of regional device work units (SKPD) that are late in the submission of SKPD financial statements to BPKPAD. with the problems that arise, it will affect the work process on BPKPAD such as delays during the realization of consolidated reports. The method used in this study is a case study using a type of qualitative method. This research object unit is at the Financial Management, Investment and Regional Assets Agency (BPKPAD) of Temanggung Regency.</em> <em>The results showed that BPKPAD Temanggung Regency uses the E-Financial software system in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.</em>

ENDANG KARTINI PANGGIARTI, Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar

<em>This research aims to convey an illustration of how the implementation of the process of preparing financial statements in Temanggung Regency compiled by BPKPAD and knowing what are the problems it is facing. The problems faced are related to the level of regional device work units (SKPD) that are late in the submission of SKPD financial statements to BPKPAD. with the problems that arise, it will affect the work process on BPKPAD such as delays during the realization of consolidated reports. The method used in this study is a case study using a type of qualitative method. This research object unit is at the Financial Management, Investment and Regional Assets Agency (BPKPAD) of Temanggung Regency.</em> <em>The results showed that BPKPAD Temanggung Regency uses the E-Financial software system in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.</em>

SUCI NASEHATI SUNANINGSIH, Fakultas Ekonomi Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Tidar

<em>This research aims to convey an illustration of how the implementation of the process of preparing financial statements in Temanggung Regency compiled by BPKPAD and knowing what are the problems it is facing. The problems faced are related to the level of regional device work units (SKPD) that are late in the submission of SKPD financial statements to BPKPAD. with the problems that arise, it will affect the work process on BPKPAD such as delays during the realization of consolidated reports. The method used in this study is a case study using a type of qualitative method. This research object unit is at the Financial Management, Investment and Regional Assets Agency (BPKPAD) of Temanggung Regency.</em> <em>The results showed that BPKPAD Temanggung Regency uses the E-Financial software system in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.</em>


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