Perencanaan Hidrolis Pintu Pada Bangunan Pengambilan Air (Intake)


  • Binsar Silitonga Fak Teknik, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas
  • Hendry Hendry Fak Teknik, Unika Santo Thomas



The planning process of an intake water building must be conducted properly, such by considering several aspects namely topography, hydro-climatology, and also hydraulic condition of existing stream. In the planning of intake water building, the dimensions of water gate are based on the existing weir building. The Existing Dam building in this study is Sei Bingei weir. This weir was constructed to detain the flow of Bingei River. The weir is used to collect water to fill the demand of water company (PAM) Tirta Sari Binjai City.

Author Biographies

Binsar Silitonga, Fak Teknik, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Dosen Tetap UNIKA Santo Thomas

Hendry Hendry, Fak Teknik, Unika Santo Thomas

Unika Santo Thomas


Dake, JMK. (1989). Hidrolika Teknik. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Sasongko, Dj. (1989). Teknik Sumber Daya Air I.Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Sosrodarsono, S. (1989). Hidrologi Untuk Pengairan, Bandung

Suripin. (2008). Buku Ajar Hidrolika. Semarang: Departemen Teknik Sipil Universitas Diponegoro



How to Cite

Silitonga, B., & Hendry, H. (2018). Perencanaan Hidrolis Pintu Pada Bangunan Pengambilan Air (Intake). Jurnal Rekayasa Konstruksi Mekanika Sipil (JRKMS), 1(2), 72–77.

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