MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) <p><strong><span style="color: blue;">Jurnal MEANS</span></strong> berdiri sejak Tahun 2016 dengan SK dari LIPI yaitu<strong> p-ISSN : 2548-6985 (Print)</strong> dan <strong>e-ISSN : 2599-3089 (Online)</strong> Terbit dua kali setiap Tahunnya yaitu Periode I <strong><span style="color: red;">Bulan Juni</span></strong> dan Periode II <strong><span style="color: red;">Bulan Desember</span></strong> <strong> Hasil Plagirisme Maksimal 25%, Lebih dari 25% <span style="color: red;">Artikel Tidak Bisa Publish</span></strong>. Ruang lingkup publikasi ini adalah untuk bidang Ilmu Komputer.</p> <p><strong><a href="">Terakreditasi SINTA Peringkat 4</a></strong></p> LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan en-US MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) 2548-6985 Perbandingan Kinerja Algoritma Prefix Code C2 dan LZW Dalam Mengkompresi File Gambar <p>Data compression plays a crucial role in reducing file sizes, particularly for image files, to conserve storage space and accelerate data transmission. This study eval_uates the performance of two widely-used compression algorithms: Prefix Code C2 and LZW, focusing on their effectiveness in compressing image files. The research involves a comparative analysis of the Prefix Code C2 and LZW algorithms based on several performance metrics, such as file size post-compression, compression speed, and decompression speed. The experimental results highlight that each algorithm has specific strengths and weaknesses depending on the image type and characteristics. The Prefix Code C2 algorithm demonstrates superior compression ratios for images with high levels of repetition, whereas the LZW algorithm outperforms in both compression and decompression speed for images with more intricate color variations. These insights can assist in selecting the most suitable compression algorithm for different types of image files.</p> Kevin Raihan Pristiwanto Pristiwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Kevin Raihan, Pristiwanto 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 97 100 Kombinasi Algoritma K-Means Dan DBSCAN Dalam Identifikasi Anomali Pada Data Log Server <p>Detecting anomalies in server log data is a crucial element of information system management and security. This research seeks to develop a method for identifying anomalies by integrating two well-known clustering algorithms: K-Means and DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise). K-Means is effective at partitioning data into clusters based on average distances, while DBSCAN excels at detecting anomalies or noise in datasets without a distinct cluster structure. In this study, K-Means is employed for initial clustering of server log data to reveal general patterns and group similar data. The results from K-Means clustering are then examined using DBSCAN to detect anomalies more accurately. Combining these two algorithms aims to enhance anomaly detection accuracy by leveraging the strengths of each approach. The research was performed on a server log dataset encompassing various server activities. The effectiveness of this combined approach was assessed by comparing its anomaly detection performance against the individual K-Means and DBSCAN methods, as well as other anomaly detection techniques. Experimental results indicate that the K-Means and DBSCAN combination successfully improves anomaly detection rates by reducing both false positives and false negatives compared to using each algorithm independently.</p> Rico Puji Irawan Sony Bahagia Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 Rico Puji Irawan, Sony Bahagia Sinaga 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 101 105 Penerapan Algoritma Salsa20 Untuk Mengamankan Sandi Akun Virtual <p>The application of the SALSA20 algorithm in securing virtual account passwords aims to increase the security of users' personal data in an increasingly complex digital era. The SALSA20 algorithm, which is known as one of the efficient and secure stream cipher algorithms, has superior characteristics in terms of speed and resistance to cryptanalysis attacks. This research explores the implementation of SALSA20 in a virtual account password security system, testing the performance of this algorithm under various conditions and comparing it with other commonly used cryptographic algorithms, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). The research results show that SALSA20 is able to provide a high level of security with a faster execution time compared to several other algorithms. Testing includes analysis of encryption and decryption speed, system resource usage, as well as resistance to various types of attacks, such as brute force and differential analysis attacks. In addition, the integration of SALSA20 in real applications shows that this algorithm is easy to implement and provides significant protection against attempts to steal user passwords and personal data.</p> Muhammad Abdul Rasyid Hasibuan Sinar Sinurat Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Abdul Rasyid Hasibuan, Sinar Sinurat 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 106 109 Analisa Perbandingan Algoritma Goldbach dan LZW pada File WAV <p>WAV stands for Waveform Audio Format, an audio file standard developed by Microsoft and IBM. It is a variant of the RIFF bitstream format, similar to the IFF and AIFF formats used on Amiga and Macintosh systems. Both WAV and AIFF are compatible with Windows and Macintosh platforms. Although WAV files can contain compressed audio, they are typically used for uncompressed audio. The WAV format is part of Microsoft's RIFF specification for multimedia file storage. Compression is the process of reducing file size without significantly compromising data quality. The effectiveness of compression is eval_uated based on factors such as compression time, memory usage, output quality, and the final file format. This research suggests that compressing audio files can help optimize hard disk space. Various compression algorithms are available, and reducing audio file size can enhance storage efficiency.</p> Muhammad Bima Arya Irawan Pristiwanto Pristiwanto Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Bima Arya Irawan, Pristiwanto 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 110 113 Rancang Sistem Informasi Aplikasi Praktikum Simulasi Perbankan <p><em>Currently, the learning process in the field of banking predominantly relies on approaches, focusing on the delivery of theoretical concepts with minimal practical application through personal computer use. As a result, students lack real-world experience related to the operational aspects of banking systems as they occur in the workplace. Therefore, this study aims to design a banking system that integrates various key components of banking activities, with adjustments according to the specific functions of each component</em></p> Muhamad Sidik Triloka Mahesti In’am Fanany Z A Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Sidik, Triloka Mahesti, In’am Fanany Z A 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 114 118