TOEFL, score achievement,, mean scoreAbstract
Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) is used as a standard measurement to find out one’s English proficiency. Catholic University of Saint thmas make the students have a certificate of TOEFL before taking the final examination beginning in January 2021. This certificate becomes an obligatory requirement in order to take the final examination before being graduated. Of 400 students who joined TOEFL in 2021 as a population who graduated in that year, two hundred sudents were randomly taken as a sample to represent the whole population. The test started in January and ended in October 2021 within several groups of students. The result of the TOEFL shows that the mean score is only 366.37 which belongs to poor category, and is positioned in the basic elementary class. The mean score among the five faculties is nealry the same ranging from 359- 374. The total percentage of correct answer of each part is as follows: Listening Comprehension 12.42%; Structre and Written Expression 10.87%; and Vocabulary adn Reading Comprehension 12.75%. On the whole, the average of corrct answer is only 12.01%.References
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