
  • Indri Kristine br Ginting FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan
  • Erikson Saragih FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan
  • Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan


This study attempts to investigate the correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and ability in arranging narrative paragraphs. The research approach was quantitative. The research method was descriptive. The research design of this study was a correlational design. The population of this study was second grade students of SMA Swasta Santo Petrus Medan totaling to 118 of three parallel classes. The sample of this research was the class XI MIA totaling to 38 students. The instrument of collecting the data were vocabulary test and arranging narrative paragraphs test and split half formula was used to obtain the reliability of the test. The data was analyzed by using Pearson Product Moment formula. From this study it was found that robserved is higher than rtable (0.881>0.413). It means that null hypothesis is rejected and Alternative hypothesis is accepted. As the conclusion, there is very strong correlation between students‟ vocabulary mastery and ability in  arranging  narrative  paragraphs  at  SMA  Swasta  Santo  Petrus  Medan  in Academic Year of 2016/2017.


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