Communication is very significant for human being because there is hardly any human activity without communication. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted to improve the eleventh grade students’ speaking skill by using audio visual aids in SMA Santo Petrus Medan in the Academic Year of 2018/2019. The results of the study showed significant improvement of the students’ speaking skill and responses after being taught by using audio visual aids is very good because the students felt enthusiastics and motivated. The result of the test showed that the students’ mean score in pre-test is 51,97 with 8,82% of the students got score ≥ 75, in formative-test mean score is 60,70 with 14,70% of the students got score ≥ 75 and in post-test mean score is 75,35 with 44,11% of the students got score ≥ 75. Based on the results, it can be concluded that using audio visual aids as a learning a instrument gives the improvement to students’ speaking skill.References
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