Kairos English Language Teaching Journal https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS <p>Kairos ELT (English Language Teaching) Journal is a journal which is published three times a year: in <strong>April, August,</strong> and <strong>December </strong>by the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Teachers Training Education, Catholic University of Saint Thomas North Sumatera. It presents research reports and articles on English language teaching, applied linguistics, and culture issues. Its vision is to make English language teaching in Indonesia excellent through the profound researches and thought. Its mission is to spread out innovative research reports and thought. To be considered for publication, research reports or articles should be typewritten in the English language, 6-15 pages, and single spaced.</p> en-US unikasantothomassu@gmail.com (Anna Stasya Prima Sari) viator_lumbanraja@ust.ac.id (Drs. Viator Lumban Raja, M.Pd) Rab, 07 Sep 2022 05:03:53 +0200 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 TOEFL SCORE ACHIEVEMENT OF CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF SAINT THOMAS IN 2021 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2157 <p>Test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) is used as a standard measurement to find out one’s English proficiency. Catholic University of Saint thmas make the students have a certificate of TOEFL before taking the final examination beginning in January 2021. This certificate becomes an obligatory requirement in order to take the final examination before being graduated. Of 400 students who joined TOEFL in 2021 as a population who graduated in that year, two hundred sudents were randomly taken as a sample to represent the whole population. The test started in January and ended in October 2021 within several groups of students. The result of the TOEFL shows that the mean score is only 366.37 which belongs to poor category, and is positioned in the basic elementary class. The mean score among the five faculties is nealry the same ranging from 359- 374. The total percentage of correct answer of each part is as follows: Listening Comprehension 12.42%; Structre and Written Expression 10.87%; and Vocabulary adn Reading Comprehension 12.75%. On the whole, the average of corrct answer is only 12.01%.</p> Viator Lumban Raja, Novalina Sembiring Copyright (c) 2022 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2157 Rab, 07 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 AN ERROR ANALYSIS ON THE USE OF SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE OF REPORT TEXT AT GRADE VII SMP DHARMA WANITA MEDAN https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2158 <p>The writer was founded that the students were difficult to understand how to translate the phrase, clause, words and the sentences in the text expecially in recount text in another hand they were difficult to translate, a commos response of students, and they didn’t have a good vocabulary the felt difficultness translation while write down indonesia to English that’s why the researcher were interested to analyze the English translation especially in borrowing Tehnique. This was descriptive qualitative research which only collect, classify and analyze the data. Then drew the conclusion according to analysis without making generalization. This study deal with focusing on how someone translate the text of the theory, using translation technique and using the specific techique and dominant types. The dominant types of borrowing translation technique based on the analyzed of the researcher that the dominant types of borrowing translation technique found in recount text, there are 24 data in the text which is dominantly Naturalized Borrowing (75%) and Pure Borrowing (25%). Based on the finding and explanation in the analysis, some discussion can be withdrawn as follows. This study tried to analyze the borrowing translation technique used by the student in translating a text, there are only two types of borrowing translation technique such as pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing founded in text especially recount text which is using by students of SMK Bina Media Medan. Based on the finding in the analysis, the lexical term used in the target language consist of borrowing word which are generally assimilated with target language, and some are new to the target speakers. There is intentional and no intentional modification in the process of translation. It is to say that the type of borrowing is more oriented towards two types such as: pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. In this study the students used the dominant of aturalized borrowing when they were translating a phrase, sentences from source language to the target language.</p> Ovin Sensias Malau, Fiber Yun Almanda Ginting, Novalina Sembiring Copyright (c) 2022 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2158 Rab, 07 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 THE EFFECT OF BLENDED LEARNING STRATEGY ON THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL OF SMP NEGERI 41 MEDAN IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2020/2021 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2159 <p>The purpose of this study was intended to find out the empirical evidence of the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text by using the Blended Learning strategy on the eighth-grade students' writing skill. This study used a quasi-experimental method. The sample in this research was 60 students consisting of 30 students in the experimental group (VIII-1) and 30 students in the control group (VIII-4) taken by purposive sampling. The experimental group has given the treatment using the Blended Learning strategy, while the control group did not use the Blended Learning strategy. Pre-tests were given in two groups before giving treatment. The results showed as follows: First, the pre-test score showed the average score of the experimental group was 56,70 and the control group was 54,37. After being given the treatment, the students of the experimental group was given post-test, as well as the control group, but without treatment. The post-test results show the average value of the experimental group is 83,03 and the control group is 70.53, in this case, the increase in the score of the experimental group is 26,33 and the control class is 16,16. Second, there is a significant difference between post-test and the score of experimental group and control group because the t<sub>observed </sub>is 5,10 &gt; 1,697 t<sub>table</sub> at the level of significance 0,05. In other words, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. In short, it can be concluded that students who write descriptive texts using the Blended Learning strategy are more effective than not using. Thus, it can be concluded that the Blended Learning strategy has a positive influence on eighth-grade students at SMP Negeri 41 Medan in the academic year of 2020/2021</p> Ceria br Ketaren, Viator Lumban Raja, Meikardo Samuel Prayuda Copyright (c) 2022 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2159 Rab, 07 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 ERRORS IN CONSTRUCTING WH-QUESTIONS MADE BY THE TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMK GRAFIKA BINA MEDIA MEDAN https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2160 <p>The objectives of the study are to investigate the errors made by the students in constructing WH-Questions and the dominant errors. This research was conducted at SMK Grafika Bina Media Medan to first year students at 2021/2022 academic years. The location was chosen because of the term of time and fund, and also the same research there had never been conducted. Based on the writer’s experience in teaching training practice, he found out that still many students made errors in constructing WH-Questions. Therefore, the writer tries to find the solution to help them. The writer found out that the errors made by the students match with the theory&nbsp;&nbsp; of types of errors proposed by Dulay, at. al. the total number of errors reach up to 435 errors.Of 18 translation test the students produce 378 sentences, consisting of omission 34 or 17.89%, addition 26 or 13.68%, Misformation 89 or&nbsp;46.84%, misordering 41 or 21.58%. Of 18 making interrogative sentences test the students produce 378 sentences, consisting of omission 47 or 25.13%, addition 25&nbsp;or 13.37%, misformation 92 or 49.20%, misordering 23 or 12.30%. Of 18 scattering words test the students produce 189 sentences, consisting of misordering 58. From the 9 items in WH-Questions, the most dominant errors were Whom with a percentage 12.18%.</p> Ivan Miranda Gea, Viator Lumban Raja, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2022 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2160 Rab, 07 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200 AN ANALYSIS OF BORROWING TECHNIQUE IN ENGLISH TRANSLATION AMONG THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMK BINA MEDIA MEDAN https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2161 <p>The writer was founded that the students were difficult to understand how to translate the phrase, clause, words and the sentences in the text expecially in recount text in another hand they were difficult to translate, a commos response of students, and they didn’t have a good vocabulary the felt difficultness translation while write down indonesia to English that’s why the researcher were interested to analyze the English translation especially in borrowing Tehnique. This was descriptive qualitative research which only collect, classify and analyze the data. Then drew the conclusion according to analysis without making generalization. This study deal with focusing on how someone translate the text of the theory, using translation technique and using the specific techique and dominant types. The dominant types of borrowing translation technique based on the analyzed of the researcher that the dominant types of borrowing translation technique found in recount text, there are 24 data in the text which is dominantly Naturalized Borrowing (75%) and Pure Borrowing (25%). Based on the finding and explanation in the analysis, some discussion can be withdrawn as follows. This study tried to analyze the borrowing translation technique used by the student in translating a text, there are only two types of borrowing translation technique such as pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing founded in text especially recount text which is using by students of SMK Bina Media Medan. Based on the finding in the analysis, the lexical term used in the target language consist of borrowing word which are generally assimilated with target language, and some are new to the target speakers. There is intentional and no intentional modification in the process of translation. It is to say that the type of borrowing is more oriented towards two types such as: pure borrowing and naturalized borrowing. In this study the students used the dominant of aturalized borrowing when they were translating a phrase, sentences from source language to the target language.</p> Lisdayanti Simarmata, Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan, Karisma Erikson Tarigan Copyright (c) 2022 https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/KAIROS/article/view/2161 Rab, 07 Sep 2022 00:00:00 +0200