KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
<p><strong>KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)</strong> dengan Izin LIPI nomor <strong><a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1580452855">eISSN : 2716-3261</a></strong> merupakan Artikel hasil riset dari tugas akhir mahasiswa yang dijurnalkan dan dipakai untuk menunjang kegiatan akademik di Universitas secara khusus dan terbuka untuk Umum dalam bidang Ilmu Komputer. Media ini berdiri sejak Tahun 2019 dengan jadwal publikasi dari Media Online ini adalah <strong>2 (dua) kali dalam setahun</strong> yaitu setiap Bulan <strong>April</strong> dan Bulan <strong>Oktober</strong>. Diharapkan Media Publikasi Online ini dapat bermanfaat dan mendukung bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang Informatika dan Komputer.</p>UNIKA Santo Thomasen-USKAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)2716-3261Mengamankan Perangkat Jaringan Dari Serangan DDoS Menggunakan Fitur Firewall-RAW di Router MikroTik
<p><em>DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks are a serious threat in network security that can cause services to become unavailable due to unusually high traffic volumes. This research aims to secure network devices from DDoS attacks by using the Firewall-RAW feature on the MikroTik Router. In tests carried out using MikroTik RouterOS, DDoS attacks were effectively prevented by using firewall rules that were set to reject packets that exceeded a predetermined threshold. However, the test results also show that the CPU Load of the device is still affected by DDoS attacks, although to a limited extent. This emphasizes that protecting against DDoS attacks is not an easy task, but the use of firewall rules can help reduce the system load due to these attacks. The recommended next step is to ensure the router device has sufficient CPU resources to anticipate the impact of a DDoS attack that may occur in the future. However, it is important to remember that firewall rules are only an additional protective measure and do not guarantee absolute protection from DDoS attacks. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive security strategy and appropriate infrastructure improvements to reduce the risk of greater DDoS attacks</em></p>Syaiful Bahri
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-2816Penerapan Sistem Informasi Surat Keterangan Pendamping Ijazah STMIK Kaputama Secara Online
<p>Many STMIK Kaputama academic information systems have been implemented for students, starting with the Academic information system, STMIK Kaputama online information system, library information system, financial information system, and other information systems. STMIK Kaputama does not yet have a Diploma Information System, or SKPI, as it is often called, although according to the Ministry's regulations, SKPI must be issued in Indonesia's public and private universities with the aim of helping graduates find jobs that match their qualifications. . That is why STMIK Kaputama has built an online information system on the Diploma Companion Certificate, the flow of which is structured according to learning achievements and validates files according to the competencies proposed by students. The existence of the SKPI electronic information system means that STMIK Kaputama developed the system and complied with the rules established by the ministry.</p>Achmad FauzieSiswan SyahputraTengku Didi FerdillahLanggeng Restuono
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-28714Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik Untuk Promosi Jabatan Dengan Metode Weighted Product (WP)
<p><em>Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product (WP) adalah sebuah sistem yang dirancang untuk membantu manajer personalia dalam menentukan karyawan terbaik yang akan dipromosikan ke jabatan yang lebih tinggi. Metode WP ini menggunakan pembobotan dengan rating suatu variabel penilai, sehingga dapat menghasilkan informasi yang efektif dan efisien Dengan menggunakan metode WP, sistem ini dapat membantu manajer personalia dalam memilih karyawan terbaik yang memiliki kinerja yang cukup baik dan memenuhi kriteria penilaian yang telah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa aplikasi sistem pendukung keputusan ini mampu membantu perusahaan dalam proses seleksi serta memberikan informasi karyawan terbaik secara efektif dan efisien</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p> </p>Carlo Poda Boromeo SihombingMinaldinu Deyesus NunesSardo Pardingotan Sipayung
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-281518Analisa Rekomendasi Buku Bacaan Berdasarkan Histori Peminjaman di Perpustakaan Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan Menggunakan Metode Algoritma Apriori
<pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Terjemahan" data-ved="2ahUKEwjMt-aFhoCDAxU7T2wGHfmmAmgQ3ewLegQIBRAQ"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">As time goes by, the amount and scope of data used by society is increasing. Therefore, an effective method is <br>needed to manage this data into information that can be reused. Data mining is a data processing technique used <br>to identify new knowledge. Data processing can help humans in managing the collection and utilization of accumulated data. <br>This research aims to explore association rules in reading book recommendations using the Apriori algorithm method. <br>The implementation of the Apriori algorithm will apply association rules to find linkage patterns in book borrowing <br>data at the Santo Thomas Catholic University Medan Library. By applying the Apriori Algorithm method to borrowing books<br> in libraries, it is hoped that linkage patterns can be revealed which can serve as a guide for librarians in determining <br>the required book preparation. This research specifically focuses on book borrowing data at the Santo Thomas Catholic<br> University Medan library, with the hope of providing insight into visitors' reading needs and interests. <br>It is hoped that the results of implementing the Apriori Algorithm can provide valuable information for <br>librarians to make more focused decisio in determining the book collection to be prepared.</span></pre> <p> </p>Huminsa Roganda NainggolanDoni El Rezen Purba
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-281930Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Guru Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW)
<p>Sangat penting untuk mengevaluasi kinerja guru secara berkala untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia guru. SMKN 1 Negeri Labu melakukan penilaian kinerja guru setiap 3 bulan sekali namun mekanismenya kurang efektif karena kurang transparan. Metode SAW merupakan bagian dari DSS yang digunakan untuk membantu menentukan keputusan berdasarkan data alternatif dan data kriteria. Pengolahan data diimplementasikan sesuai dengan perhitungan metode SAW untuk menentukan matriks keputusan dan kemudian melakukan perangkingan dari total data alternatif. Pada penelitian ini terdapat 20 guru yang dinilai dengan 9 kriteria penilaian, hasil perangkingan menunjukkan bahwa data alternatif A03 memperoleh nilai tertinggi, maka diputuskan bahwa A03 memiliki kinerja guru yang terbaik. Perancangan sistem yang dikembangkan dengan UML menghasilkan sistem penilaian kinerja guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu pihak sekolah dalam menentukan kinerja guru terbaik yang diolah secara sistematis oleh sistem. Saran dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini agar dapat meningkatkan keakuratan hasil perhitungan, disarankan untuk membandingkan hasil dengan metode berbasis DSS lainnya.</p>Marlinus LahaguJuniko FernandoSardo Pardingotan Sipayung
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-283136Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik di PT. Citra Garden dengan Metode Weight Product (WP)
<p>Pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang efektif merupakan aspek kritis dalam kesuksesan suatu perusahaan. PT. Citra Garden sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri tertentu membutuhkan karyawan terbaik untuk memastikan produktivitas dan kinerja perusahaan tetap optimal. Oleh karena itu, Setiap tahun perusahaan mengadakan pemilihan karyawan terbaik yang akan diberikan reward dan bonus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini membuat sistem penilaian kinerja karyawan dalam rangka pemberian reward dan bonus kenaikan gaji dengan menganalisa data-data pegawai sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan(Afifah et al., 2022). penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) berbasis metode Weight Product (WP) dalam proses pemilihan karyawan terbaik. Metode Weight Product (WP) digunakan sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan karena dapat memberikan bobot pada setiap kriteria yang diterapkan. Penelitian ini melibatkan analisis terhadap kriteria-kriteria yang relevan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja karyawan, seperti pengalaman kerja, keterampilan teknis, tingkat pendidikan, dan kehadiran. Setelah pengumpulan data dan penilaian kriteria, sistem akan memberikan hasil berupa peringkat karyawan berdasarkan bobot yang telah ditentukan. SPK yang diusulkan akan membantu manajemen PT. Citra Garden dalam mengoptimalkan proses seleksi karyawan dengan menyediakan informasi yang akurat dan relevan. Keputusan yang dihasilkan melalui sistem ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas dalam pengelolaan sumber daya manusia perusahaan.</p>Yuli Pitriani Br SihotangDea Ananda SaragihSardo Pardingotan Sipayung
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-05-012024-05-013742Perancangan Aplikasi Sistem Akademik Berbasis Web Menggunakan Metode Waterfall
<p>This research aims to design a web-based academic information system at SMP PGRI 9 Jakarta, with the goal of facilitating academic processes. The delivery of information, such as teacher data, student data, subjects, and classes, currently faces challenges in speed and efficiency, leading to data congestion and requiring a significant amount of time to manage. Therefore, a system is needed to address these issues. This system is designed using the PHP programming language with a MySQL database and applies the waterfall development method. The objective of this research is a web-based academic information system accessible to teachers and school staff, enabling easy access to school information.</p>Muhammad Raditya RasyiidSukma Maulana YusufMuhammad Teguh MaulanaRani Laple Satria Putra
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-05-012024-05-014352Penerapan Analisis Algoritma Elias Omega Code Pada Citra Digital
<p>The large size of digital image files is an obstacle in their storage, transmission, and processing. Digital image compression is a solution to overcome this problem. The Elias Omega Code algorithm is one of the efficient and easy-to-implement lossless compression algorithms. This research aims to analyze the Elias Omega Code algorithm on digital images. The analysis includes: implementation of the Elias Omega Code algorithm for digital image compression, evaluation of the performance of the Elias Omega Code algorithm in terms of compression ratio and image quality, comparison of the performance of the Elias Omega Code algorithm with other image compression algorithms. The results of the study show that the Elias Omega Code algorithm can produce a high compression ratio with preserved image quality. This algorithm has better performance than the Huffman and LZW algorithms, but lower than the JPEG algorithm..</p>Liskedame Yanti Chaston Ramotto SinagaAngelica Claudia Sagala
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-292024-04-295359Pengukuran Silhouette Score dan Davies-Bouldin Index pada Hasil Cluster K-Means dan DBSCAN
<p>eval_uation of Clustering results is a critical step in unsupervised data analysis. Clustering algorithms such as K-Means and DBSCAN are often used, but choosing the right algorithm for a dataset can be challenging. Application of Silhouette Score and Davies-Bouldin Index as internal eval_uation metrics to eval_uate Clustering results from K-Means and DBSCAN. The K-Means and DBSCAN methods were chosen because of their popularity and ability to handle various types of data. The Silhouette Score provides a measure of how well each data point is placed in its own Cluster compared to other Clusters, while the Davies-Bouldin Index eval_uates how far away the Cluster is from the others. This research was carried out by implementing both algorithms on an experimental dataset, namely the employee performance dataset and comparing the eval_uation results using these two metrics. The experimental results of both eval_uation metrics provide useful insights in eval_uating the quality of employee performance Clustering from K-Means and DBSCAN. Thus, the use of the Silhouette Score and Davies-Bouldin Index can be an effective guide in choosing an appropriate Clustering algorithm for a dataset without the need for ground truth labels.</p>Yasir Hasan
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-286074Penggunaan Model Klaster K-Means Dan Klasifikasi KNN Untuk Identifikasi Pengetahuan Matematika Mahasiswa
<p>Students' mathematical knowledge is an important factor that needs to be considered in the learning process majoring in Informatics Engineering. Students who have low mathematical knowledge will definitely have difficulty calculating and applying the algorithms used to solve programming and computing problems. The weaknesses that these students have can become obstacles to the future. By knowing students' mathematical knowledge, the learning process does not have to be adjusted to the student's level of knowledge, but further action is needed to increase students' mathematical knowledge. One way to find out students' mathematical knowledge is to classify students' mathematical knowledge. Classification of students' mathematical knowledge can be done using a very popular method, namely the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) method. However, in order for classification to be carried out, grouping must be carried out first to form classes from the results of grouping mathematical knowledge data. The grouping of students' mathematical knowledge data was carried out using the K-MEANS method. Data on students' mathematical knowledge was taken based on course grades for calculus 1, applied physics, calculus 2, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics. The grades from several of these courses will be processed using K-MEANS and form three groups of mathematical knowledge, namely slow, sufficient, and fast. Thus, it was concluded that to determine the classification of slow, sufficient, and fast mathematical knowledge of students majoring in informatics engineering, it was carried out using the KNN method, but first the data was grouped using the KMEAN method.</p>Hery Sunandar
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-282024-04-287585Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Columbia Asia berbasis WEB
<p>The application is built using the waterfall method, in developing the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is a general methodology in system development that marks the progress and efforts of analysis and design starting with data collection through observation and interviews, system needs analysis to eval_uation based on system testing. The Design of a Web-Based New Student Registration Information System at Columbia Asia Health College is expected to make it easier for prospective new students to register by saving time and money compared to coming directly to campus and with this system students can get all information about new student admissions through the website. And also this information system is expected to help and facilitate the processing of student data at Columbia Asia Health College.</p>Muhammad Iqbal BatubaraHermansyah SembiringNaomi Kristiani Putri Harefa
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-08-012024-08-01869610.54367/kakifikom.v6i1.3973Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan menggunakan Metode TOPSIS
<p>Education personnel are personnel in charge of planning and carrying out administration, management, development, and technical services to support the educational process in educational units. Santo Thomas Catholic University is currently located at Jl. Setia Budi No.479-F Tanjung Sari Medan. Santo Thomas Catholic University is under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Medan (KAM). In general, a decision support system is a system that is capable and provides problem solving capabilities with semi-structured and unstructured conditions. Processing in the current assessment process which still uses conventional or manual methods using paper and then divided per unit to be filled in so that the process becomes long or prone to errors and errors and in the process of assessing employee performance there is often a delay in assessing promotion. TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is used as one of the methods in processing data for each alternative in the database, where in the end the processing is in the form of ranking based on criteria that have been determined.<br>is in the form of determining rankings based on predetermined criteria.</p> <p> </p>Andy Paul HarianjaAndri Mahdalena Sinaga
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)
2024-04-302024-04-309710110.54367/kakifikom.v6i1.3918Perancangan Aplikasi UMKM dengan Metode B2C pada UMKM Kelurahan Teladan Timur
<p>Sosoial media merupakan sarana bagi konsumen untuk melakukan belanja online, seiring dengan meningkatnya pengguna <em>marketplace</em>, maka dari itu aplikasi merupakan hal yang semakin penting. UMKM saat ini banyak diperjual belikan bukan lagi secara konvensional melainkan melakukan penjualan secara online, banyak produk hasil UMKM yang diproduksi dari olahan rumah tangga yang di proses oleh ibu rumah tangga secara langsung, akan tetapi para ibu rumah tangga banyak yang memasarkan produknya hanya dengan pelanggan yang ada di sekitar saja, sehingga penjualan produknya sangat terbatas, padahal di era digital saat ini dengan memanfaatkan media social dan aplikasi yang bisa melakukan penjualan produk sangatlah banyak, akan tetapi para ibu rumah tangga banyak yang belum paham cara menggunakannya secara efektif, pada penelitian ini akan membangun aplikasi penjualan UMKM sekaligus melakukan pelatihan penggunaanya.</p>Zekson Arizona MatondangKennedi Tampubolon
Copyright (c) 2024 KAKIFIKOM (Kumpulan Artikel Karya Ilmiah Fakultas Ilmu Komputer)