SANTO PAULUS Sang Misionaris Agung


  • Yacobus Hariprabowo Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


misionaris, strategi misi, pertobatan, panggilan, mewartakan, Yahudi, non-Yahudi, bangsa-bangsa, rekan kerja, wanita.


The Apostle Paul has always had a special fascination for missionaries. Through the years several monographs on Paul’ significance for the Christian mission have been written by missionaries and missiologists. The missionary dimension of Paul’ theology has not always been recognized. For many years he was primarily regarded as the creator of dogmatic system. With the rise of the history-of-religions school he was viewed pre-eminently as a mystic. Later still the emphasis shifted to the ecclesiastical Paul. Only very gradually did biblical scholars discover that Paul was first and foremost to be understood, also in his letters, as a great missionary.

Author Biography

Yacobus Hariprabowo, Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Dosen Tetap UNIKA Santo Thomas SU


Bosch, David J., Transforming Mission: Paradigm Shifts in Theology of

Mission, New York: Orbis Book 1997.

Ellis, E.E., “Paulusâ€, dalam Ensiklopedi Alkitab Masa Kini (judul asli:

The New Bible Dictionary), jilid II M-Z, Jakarta: Yayasan

Komunikasi Bina Kasih/OMF 1988.

Legrand, Lucien, Il Dio che Viene: la Missione nella Bibbia, Roma:

Edizione Borla, 1989.

Senior, Donal dan Stuhlmueller, The Biblical Foundations for Mission,

Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1999.

Tassin, Claude, “Saint Paul’s Missionary Strategies†dalam Omnis

Terra, 391/XLII (November 2008).

Trevisiol, Alberto, Origine e Sviluppo della Stroriagrafia Missionaria,

Roma: Universitas Urbaniana), [tanpa tahun terbit].

Witherup, Ronald D. SS. “Paul and Women†dalam The Pastoral

Review, vol 4 (November/December 2008).



How to Cite

Hariprabowo, Y. (2009). SANTO PAULUS Sang Misionaris Agung. LOGOS, 7(1), 17–38. Retrieved from