
  • Anicetus B Sinaga Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


Toba-Batak, horbobìus, ceremonies, boròtan, inculturation, Eucharist, Catholic, God.


A map setting and identification of the Toba-Batak in North Sumatra would be appropriate before dealing with the theme of inculturation among the Toba-Batak. In addition a short treatise on their inculturation experience, after an overwhelming conversion to Christianity since 19th century would be well to have a logic of inculturation exposition. It is not only experience, but most of all we desire a theological foundation, as it is exposed in the Vatican Council II, especially in the document Ad Gentes.

Author Biography

Anicetus B Sinaga, Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Dosen Tetap UNIKA Santo Thomas SU


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How to Cite

Sinaga, A. B. (2009). INCULTURATION EXPERIMENTAL THEOLOGY AMONG THE TOBA-BATAKS OF NORTH SUMATRA Incarnation-Pascal Approach. LOGOS, 7(1), 53–82. Retrieved from