HABITUS OPERATIVUS BONUS : Keutamaan Menurut St. Thomas Aquinas


  • Largus Nadeak Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


keutamaan, kebiasaan, kebaikan, konsistensi, pikiran, pertengahan, aturan, kebahagiaan.


St. Thomas Aquinas defines virtue as a good habit bearing on activity or a good faculty-habit (habitus operativus bonus). He adopts his idea from Aristoteles’ opinion. Aristoteles defines it as mean (mesotes) between two vices. Basic to the concept of virtue is the element of habit, which stands in a special relation to the soul, whether in the natural order or elevated to the divine life by grace (moral virtues and theological virtues). Back to virtue is a calling, so that people in our era is consistent in committing good acts.

Author Biography

Largus Nadeak, Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Dosen Tetap UNIKA Santo Thomas


AQUINAS, T., Summa Theologie I-II. Translated by the Father of the English Dominican Province, New York: Benzinger Brothers 1947.

_____________, Summa Theologie II-II. Translated by the Father of the English Dominican Province, New York: Benzinger Brothers 1947.

CHANG, W., Menggali Butir-Butir Keutamaan, Yogyakarta: Kanisius 2002.

FOSTER, S.E., “Virtues and Material Goods. Aristotle on Justice and Liberalityâ€, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 71 (1997) 607.

HARDON, J., “Meaning of Virtue in Thomas Aquinasâ€, dalam Google. com.

JONATHAN, ed., The Complete Words of Aristotle, II. Judul Asli: Ethica Nicomachea. Penerjemah W.D Ross, USA 1983, 1744.

KREEFT, P., Back to Virtue, San Francisco: Ignatius Press 1992.

MAGEE, J., “Law and Virtue in Aquinasâ€, dalam Google. com.

MAGNIS-SUSENO, F., 12 Tokoh Etika Abad ke–20, Yogyakarta: Kanisius 2000.

MIRKES, R., “Aquinas on the Unity of Perfect Moral Virtueâ€, American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 71 (1997).



How to Cite

Nadeak, L. (2019). HABITUS OPERATIVUS BONUS : Keutamaan Menurut St. Thomas Aquinas. LOGOS, 3(2), 94–101. Retrieved from https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/LOGOS/article/view/387


