HERMENEUTIKA : Persoalan Filosofis – Biblis Penggalian Makna Tekstual


  • Serpulus Simamora Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas


hermeneutika, subyek, obyek, teks, realitas, makna, pemahaman, ada, historis, eksegese.


To define what human being is one could present various definitions. Aristotle, for instance, defines the human being as animal rationale. One can, however, say that the human being is a hermeneutical being. Since its coming into existence the human being is dealing and will deal with hermeneutical act of interpretation. This act of interpretation is usually called hermeneutics. Generally speaking the hermeneutics is the act of human being in interpreting realities in life. Strictly speaking, however, it deals with interpretation of textual reality. In philosophical domain, the hermeneutics seeks to account for the philosophical ground of the act of interpretation. What is the ground of our intrepretation so that the interpretation may be accepted valid and true?

Author Biography

Serpulus Simamora, Filsafat, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas

Dosen Tetap UNIKA Santo Thomas


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Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary, Cologne 1995, 1029.

JEANROND, Theological…, 110-111. Reading, i.e. the disclosure of the sense of texts, is one of the interpretative activities through which the human being can gain some awareness of himself or herself. A reader who truly aims at understanding a text must open himself or herself to it. Only then can the text unveil the existential possibilities which it may entail, and only then can the text transform the self of the reader. Reading leads then to a double disclosure, namely the disclosure of the text’s sense and at the same time the disclosure of ‘new modes of being in the world’, revelation of new modes of self-understanding.

SCHÖKEL, L.A., & J.M. BRAVO, A Manual of Hermeneutics, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press 1998.

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HAYES, J.H. dkk., Biblical Exegesis. A Beginner’s Handbook, Atlanta: John Knox Press 1987.

GRANT, R.M. & D. TRACY, A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible, London: SCM Press LTD 1996.

SIMIAN-YOFRE, H., Metodologia dell’Antico Testamento, Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna 1997.

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Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary, Cologne: Könemann 1995.



How to Cite

Simamora, S. (2019). HERMENEUTIKA : Persoalan Filosofis – Biblis Penggalian Makna Tekstual. LOGOS, 4(2), 82–106. Retrieved from https://ejournal.ust.ac.id/index.php/LOGOS/article/view/396


