Muse: Jurnal of Art <p><strong>Muse: Jurnal of Art </strong>merupakan wadah informasi yang berisi artikel ilmiah penelitian, studi literatur, gagasan, aplikasi teori, kajian analisis kritis, dan penelitian lainnya di bidang Sastra Inggris. <strong>Muse: Jurnal of Art</strong> diterbitkan dua kali dalam satu tahun, <strong>Juli</strong> dan <strong>Januari</strong>, yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan</p> LPPM Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan en-US Muse: Jurnal of Art 0000-0000 A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN LANGUAGE STYLE: A CASE STUDY IN THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JIMMY FALLON <p>This is about language which is used by people has so many differences. The differences itself are associated with men and women which belong to gender. There are differences in spoken language. In this study, the writer is interested in investigating thecomparative of language style mostly use by men and women in<em> The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon</em>. The research problem of the study is (what kinds of language styles that are mostly used by men and women in <em>The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon</em>. This study used qualitative approach. In analyzing the data, the writer used theories by Martin Joss (1976). There were ten consisting of five men and five women.Men and women have different words choice. Men language form is found harsher while women language form is weaker and more polite. It means that, men and women still have their own language style because of the different types and aspects. In the communication purposes, the analysis shows that both men and women users in <em>The Tonight Show Starrring Jimmy Fallon</em> mostly communicate to express feeling and opinion rather than the other communication purposes such as report fact, solving problem, and develop and maintain rapport, In short, the writer finds the language style and communication purposes between men and women in <em>The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon</em>.</p> Jon Piter Situmorang Lasma Kristina Sigiro Copyright (c) 2024 Muse: Jurnal of Art 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 46 53 ENGLISH ADJECTIVES AS FOUND IN THE NOVEL THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA <p><em>This study deals with English adjectives as found in the novel </em><u>The Old Man and the Sea</u><em> written by Ernest Hemingway. In this study, the writers examined the functions of adjectives and types of adjectives which are found in the novel by applying the theories proposed by Quirk et al (1985) and Vikas (2003). In this study, &nbsp;the writers found that the predicative adjectives consisting of 239 data are more productive than the attributive adjectives consisting of 75 data. Dealing with &nbsp;types, the most productive type is quality adjective&nbsp; (59.23%) &nbsp;followed by quantity adjectives (14.33%), possessive adjectives (8,28%), interrogative adjectives (5,73%), articles (5,41%), distributive adjectives (2.87%), emphasizing adjectives (2.87%),and demonstrative adjectives (1.59%). </em></p> Bonar Gurning Fretty R. Lumban Gaol Copyright (c) 2024 Muse: Jurnal of Art 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 54 65 RELIGIOUS VALUES IN NICHOLAS SPARKS’S A WALK TO REMEMBER <p>This article discusses religious values in Nicholas Sparks’ "A Walk To Remember." The novel is considered a representation of individuals holding religious values, facing life with the belief that miraculous events shape one's existence. Conducted as a library research, this study applies mimetic theory proposed by Abrams, asserting that literature imitates real life. The analysis centres on religious values represented by the characters Landon, Jamie Sullivan, and Heghbert Sullivan. The author introduces Landon, who, through his affection for Jamie, experiences a positive transformation. Jamie, a religious woman devoted to serving orphanage children, becomes a catalyst for Landon's change into a better person. Landon holds unwavering faith in Jamie's recovery from illness. Jamie, facing numerous life challenges, proves that love and faith can lead to positive transformations, even for someone like Landon, initially perceived as a criminal and brutal. Heghbert, a priest living with his daughter, showcases the struggles of a father caring for his child. Landon's consistent devotion to Jamie demonstrates the power of love and affection. In conclusion, Nicholas Charles Sparks vividly portrays characters with religious values in faith, love, and devotion. The novel focuses on the positive aspects of life, encouraging optimism and strong faith to overcome deficiencies, suffering, and difficulties.</p> Viator Lumban Raja Indah Suryani Silitonga Copyright (c) 2024 Muse: Jurnal of Art 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 66 71 SISTERHOOD IN JODI PICOULT’S MY SISTER KEEPER <p>This thesis paper, sisterhood in Jody Picoult’s My Sister Keeper. The Novel represents people especially women who shares honest thoughts, and feelings. The research itself is a library research because it solely focused on analyzing the novel with other relevant and supporting articles. This research also uses the mimetic approach proposed by Abrams. Which proposes that art is essentially an imitation of aspect of the universe.The analysis is focused on sisterhood, a central focus in feminism and in this case the feminist literary criticism.&nbsp; It can be explained as the sharing of experiences of oppression, and sharing the thoughts and feeling of honesty. The author writes Anna and Kate to represent people who experiences oppression. Anna losses her freedom as a person so she sues the court for freedom.&nbsp; In conclusion through her novel, the author portrays people who, through the process of forming a sisterhood, found solace from their suffering, gain understanding and achieve happiness.</p> Pioro benevolent Lariesto Hana Imelda Gultom Copyright (c) 2024 Muse: Jurnal of Art 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 72 77 THE ASPECTS OF EDUCATION IN ANDREA HIRATA’S THE RAINBOW TROOPS <p>This study discusses the aspects of education in Andrea Hirata’s <em>The Rainbow</em> <em>Troops</em>. The novel is seen as the portrait of education in some remote Indonesian areas. This is a library research, and its theory is mimetic proposed by Abrams saying that literature is the imitation of the real life. This study focuses on the discussion of the lack of the aspects of education in Indonesia particularly in the remote areas. It is traced through educator characters represented by Bu Mus who has high dedication and effort to sincerely motivates and educates the students towards perfection, Learners are represented by The Rainbow Troops students who really need to develop themselves psychologically and physically, educational method represented by Bu Mus and Pak Harlan who set specified curriculum to achieve educational goals, educational materials and tools are materials or media used in teaching and learning process, and educational environment is everything that is visible in natural world of life which always develops. In conclusion, Andrea Hirata in his novel <em>The Rainbow Troops</em> vividly portrays the condition of education in remote areas with inadequate aspects of education but shows exemplary teachers and students, intelligence, fighting spirit in educating children and achieving goals.</p> Rosa Maria Simamora Sriviani Br Tarigan Copyright (c) 2024 Muse: Jurnal of Art 2024-01-27 2024-01-27 78 86