conversion, spirituality, spirituality of communion, spiritual conversation, synodal spirituality, synodalityAbstract
Spirituality articulates a facet of lived synodality. The journey of the Church towards the synod on Synodality in October 2023 is in itself synodal. A synodal church calls for a synodal method that engages the faithful in dialogue and discernment through spiritual conversations that shape and form the participants towards synodality. If communion, participation and mission are the key ideas of synodality, it will follow that the synodal spirituality is a spirituality of communion, participation and mission. The synodal process, however, is meant to open avenues and opportunities for the faithful to reflect on the way God acts in their lives, the way they relate to God, how they respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in their day-to-day life of following Jesus, in different contexts, whether alone or with others. Reflecting, articulating and sharing these experiences through spiritual conversations, following the process of listening, dialogue and discernment, enable the participants in the synodal process to see “the ways the Holy Spirit graces the life of the Church, drawing each one into a deeper love of Christ” and moving them to desire an ever greater communion, participation and mission. The five elements or coordinates of Christian spirituality (God-image, prayer, community, ministry, asceticism), together with the other aspects, dimensions and features of spirituality serve as a guide to reflect on our experience of God and to recognize the characteristics of our spirituality. Through prayer, listening, dialogue, discernment and spiritual conversations, the synodal spirituality continues to unfold as we listen to the ways the Holy Spirit touches our hearts and enables us to share how God draws us to deeper intimacy with God and with others. We see how Mary, our Mother embodies the synodal spirituality as we get closer to her and experience how she is to us as a journey companion.References
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Vademecum for the Synod on Synodality. https://www.synod.va/en/news/the-vademecum-for-the-synod-on-synodality.html. (Accessed on May 30, 2022).