Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi <p>Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi (SNFT) merupakan seminar nasional terkait dengan disiplin ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi serta penerapannya di bumi pertiwi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. SNFT membuka peluang dan memberi kesempatan kepada para peneliti, dosen, mahasiswa dan masyarakat umum untuk mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan baik gagasan maupun hasil penelitiannya dalam sebuah seminar nasional.</p> <p> </p> en-US Sab, 19 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 OJS 60 SPIRITUALITY IN A SYNODAL CHURCH <p>Spirituality articulates a facet of lived synodality. The journey of the Church towards the synod on Synodality in October 2023 is in itself synodal. A synodal church calls for a synodal method that engages the faithful in dialogue and discernment through spiritual conversations that shape and form the participants towards synodality. If communion, participation and mission are the key ideas of synodality, it will follow that the synodal spirituality is a spirituality of communion, participation and mission. The synodal process, however, is meant to open avenues and opportunities for the faithful to reflect on the way God acts in their lives, the way they relate to God, how they respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in their day-to-day life of following Jesus, in different contexts, whether alone or with others. Reflecting, articulating and sharing these experiences through spiritual conversations, following the process of listening, dialogue and discernment, enable the participants in the synodal process to see “the ways the Holy Spirit graces the life of the Church, drawing each one into a deeper love of Christ” and moving them to desire an ever greater communion, participation and mission. The five elements or coordinates of Christian spirituality (God-image, prayer, community, ministry, asceticism), together with the other aspects, dimensions and features of spirituality serve as a guide to reflect on our experience of God and to recognize the characteristics of our spirituality. Through prayer, listening, dialogue, discernment and spiritual conversations, the synodal spirituality continues to unfold as we listen to the ways the Holy Spirit touches our hearts and enables us to share how God draws us to deeper intimacy with God and with others. We see how Mary, our Mother embodies the synodal spirituality as we get closer to her and experience how she is to us as a journey companion.</p> Sr. Ma. Anicia B. Co Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 SYNODALITY: TOWARD ECUMENISM AND INTER-RELIGIOUS DIALOGUE <p>Encounter, listen and discern! These three messages from Jesus are for spreading the gospel. He leads the Twelve and his followers in contact with the Holy Trinity and with humanity. The Church continued the Kingdom of God's mission to rule the globe. The synod is called upon by the authority of the Church to uphold and carry out the faith, moral doctrine, and disciplines of the Church. Additionally, the church moves forward in a synodal spirit. With churches and ecclesial communities, the Church fosters ecumenism. She also fosters interfaith dialogue with other religions. And the Basic Ecclesial Communities, which are preval_ent among the population, are the most significant element in this style of life.</p> Higianes Indro Pandego Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 A SYNODAL CHURCH IN THE ASIAN CONTEXT <p>This article explores the concept of a synodal church within the Asian context, emphasizing the themes of synodality, communion, participation, and mission. It presents a framework for understanding synodality as a dynamic praxis rooted in the teachings of Christ and the early Church, while also reflecting on the transformative spirit of the Second Vatican Council. The article addresses emerging realities in Asia, including religious moderation, solidarity in the face of natural disasters, and the plight of marginalized communities, highlighting the need for the Church to engage actively with societal issues. It advocates for a Church that embodies inclusivity, promotes equality, and fosters collaboration among diverse communities. Additionally, the article calls for a new theological language that resonates with contemporary challenges and emphasizes the importance of lay participation in the Church’s mission. Ultimately, it envisions a Church that serves as a beacon of hope and joy, actively participating in the quest for justice and peace in a rapidly changing world.</p> FX. Armada Riyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 RELIGIOUS LIFE FUNCTIONING ON A SYNODAL CHURCH THROUGH CONTRIBUTION THEIR CHARISM IN INDONESIA <p>This study aims to investigate the Religious Life functioning on a synodal Church through contribution their charism. By and large, Indonesia is a country of multi religions. Yet, Religious Life as a specific Institute of life has a place in the society. A number of Religious Congregations consist of priests, sisters, and brothers have successfully persevered and maintained its existence in Indonesia society. The Vincentian Congregation’s which one among the Religious Congregations who play an important role functioning on a synodal Church of the local Church through its charism. The long-term presence of Vincentian Congregation particularly in Indonesia can be reflected through their history of the Congregation since its foundation in the Netherlands and expanded in Indonesia. The discussion on this paper is allocated only the KYM Congregation and CMM Brothers. Both congregations strive to realize charism through works of service. However, it must be acknowledged that the Congregations experience various challenges in living out the Congregation's spirituality and their charity. In order to gather data and explore the problem more deeply, this research uses a case study and a qualitative method through a literature study. The aim this paper to share the spirit of synodality inherit founders of the KYM and CMM Congregations.&nbsp; Hopefully, the two Congregations are able to continue the spirit of synodality that has been bequeathed by the founders.&nbsp; The KYM Sisters and CMM Brothers are called to work for the greater glory of God and the benefits of His people, especially the poor and the marginalized. Then, their primary task is to show their love to God through their charitable works for all people, especially the needy and the least brethren</p> Sr. Caroline Megawati Naibaho Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PASTORAL PERSPECTIVE IN A SYNODAL CHURCH OF ARCHDIOCESE OF MEDAN <p>This artikel presents a pragmatical pastoral approah, hoping to contribute to the Church in the Archdiocese of Medan in its journeying together. Firstly, the autor describes the process of the synodal process in the Arhdiocese and how it finally resulted the Sintesis of the Synode. Secondly, the author observes some main issues related to the Diocese. She then reflects on the inspirations of sinodality (such as walking together, listening and sharing, pastoral minister and diversity) and recontextualize it within the diocese’s realities. Synodality is a call to a creative pastoral. A synodal church assumpts a genuine human community that knowing and relating to one another as brothers and sisters in love. Only real communities can authentically image the church's nature, that is: sinodality. If we wish this in the AoM, then we must rediscover our Church in a new way as flowing out from a community and helping the community to discover its own nature. This, in turn, makes demands on our understanding of pastoral ministry. In the third place, the author focuses on the reviewing of pastoral approach. In a synodal Church, communion, participation and mission is complemented by various values: listening with interest, speaking out, and a deep openness to the Spirit’s newness. Finally, the author identifies some practical pastorla issues that need attention in the diocese, such as synergity, involvement, affection and formation.</p> Sr. M. Xaveria Lingga Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 ANALISIS KUESIONER DALAM RANGKA SINODE PARA USKUP DI KEUSKUPAN AGUNG MEDAN <p>This study aims to analyze the profile and understanding of the people towards the church in the Synod of Bishops in Medan Archdiocese. The research method used questionnaires as a data collection tool with the participation of 18,503 respondents. Data analysis shows respondents' profiles based on gender, age, marital status, socioeconomic conditions, and education level. This research reveals several important findings regarding people's understanding of the church. More than 50% of respondents view "Our Church" as consisting of a hierarchy of churches, nuns, and parishioners. In the life of the church in the parish, DPPH/DPS/DPL is a party that often discusses the duties of the church. Most respondents believe that groups in the church always work together in carrying out the duties of church ministry. In the understanding of Catholics in the station, most respondents expressed a good understanding of the duties of the church. Church administrators and family/friends/friends are identified as inviting you to get involved in church service. Respondents also considered the purpose of the Synod of the Universal Church very important in the Catholic church. The results of this study showed a relationship between respondents' answers and the Parish/Order category. Statistical analysis using the chi-square test confirmed the relationship. These findings provide a better understanding of people's understanding of the church in the context of the Synod of Bishops.</p> Godlif Sianipar, Pandapotan Sitompul, Lamhot Sitorus, Sinta Dameria Simanjuntak, Ica Karina Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Min, 20 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PEMBERDAYAAN UMAT BASIS PINTU MEMBANGUN GEREJA YANG MEMBEBASKAN <p>Gereja selalu berusaha mengaktualisasikan diri seturut konteks umat. Gereja partikular Keuskupan Sibolga mengusahakan hal itu dengan berangkat dari persoalan pastoral mengenai pembangunan kemandian umat dalam hidup menggereja. Gereja Keuskupan Sibolga melakukan langkah aktual dengan membangun persekutuan basis gerejawi di setiap paroki untuk mencapai visi-misi, yaitu menjadi Gereja yang mandiri, solider, dan membebaskan. Dasar gereja yang membebaskan adalah kehidupan Yesus sendiri. Pembebasan diartikan sebagai mengubah realitas yang tidak adil dengan inspirasi Sabda Allah yang ada dalam hidup Yesus. Gereja yang solider dan mandiri menjadi pelengkap yang menghadirkan dan melibatkan Allah dalam menghadapi situasi konkret umat beriman. Ciri mendasar dari komunitas basis gerejawi adalah persaudaraan universal. Persaudaraan itu mengakar dalam lingkup kecil di setiap wilayah paroki. Dalam persaudaraan tersebut, Sabda Kekal Allah yang yang hidup yaitu Yesus Kristus menjadi landasan hidup utama yang menginspirasi umat untuk bersaksi dan menghadirkan Kerajaan Allah dalam hidup sehari-hari. Seluruh usaha aktualisasi ini dirangkum semua dalam setiap pertemuan komunitas basis gerejawi. Dengan demikian, setiap komunitas basis gerejasi dihantar untuk mengalami persaudaraan yang membawa kemandirian, solider, dan membebaskan.</p> Andreas Rambe, Robertus Septiandry Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sen, 21 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MENGAKTUALISASIKAN DIMENSI MISI DALAM TEMA SINODALITAS GEREJA KATOLIK 2021-2023 OLEH ORDO KAPUSIN PROVINSI MEDAN (OKPM) DI TENGAH KEMAJUAN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE <p>Gereja Katolik sedang berada dalam usaha mengakar-rumputkan semangat sinodalitas. Semangat sinodalitas terdiri atas tiga dimensi utama yang saling berkaitan dan tidak terpisahkan satu dengan yang lain, yakni <em>persekutuan</em>, <em>partisipasi</em>, dan <em>misi</em>. Setiap anggota Gereja ”wajib” untuk mengenal, memaknai, dan pada akhirnya mengaktualisasikan semangat tersebut, agar kehadiran Allah Tritunggal semakin dirasakan serta dihayati setiap saat, oleh banyak orang di semua tempat. Dalam hal ini, dimensi yang ingin disoroti adalah dimensi misi. Dalam konteks misi, anggota dari Ordo Saudara Dina Kapusin Provinsi Medan (OKPM) dipanggil untuk turut ambil bagian dan berpartisipasi aktif dalam misi Gereja universal. Di tengah kemajuan <em>artificial Intelligence</em> [AI] yang tengah menjadi perhatian dunia dan Gereja, OKPM ditantang untuk dapat mengaktualisasikan roh misi dalam sinodalitas tersebut. OKPM mesti cermat melihat peluang yang ditawarkan AI, serta hal-hal yang perlu diantisipasi atas kemajuan AI.</p> Agustian G. P. Sihombing, Rudol Sipayung, Firdaus Depari Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sen, 21 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MENGGEREJA DI ASIA: MEMBANGUN PERSEKUTUAN DAN DIALOG MENURUT ANJURAN APOSTOLIK ECCLESIA IN ASIA DARI PAUS YOHANES PAULUS II <p>Konsili Vatikan II mengubah wajah Gereja Katolik di seluruh dunia. Gereja dipanggil untuk membuka diri dan menghadirkan misi keselamatan Allah. Paus Yohanes Paulus II, melalui Anjuran Apostoliknya <em>Ecclesia in Asia </em>mengajak seluruh umat Katolik di Asia dalam kesatuan dengan para Uskup Asia untuk mewujudkan misi keselamatan itu sesuai dengan konteks Asia. Bapa suci Yohanes Paulus II menekankan dimensi persekutuan <em>(communio)</em> Gereja sebagai landasan dasar untuk Gereja Asia. Oleh sebab itu Gereja Asia harus membangun kesadaran akan dirinya sebagai persekutuan umat beriman yang kokoh. Persekutuan gerejawi yang kokoh akan memantapkan semangat dialog untuk mewujudkan misi Gereja di Asia. Persekutuan dan dialog merupakan salah satu pendekatan pastoral bagi Gereja di Asia.</p> Parlindungan Sinaga, Yohanes Anjar Donobakti, Cook Noris Valentino Sitepu Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sen, 21 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 MISI GEREJA DI ASIA MENURUT ANJURAN APOSTOLIK ECCLESIA IN ASIA DARI PAUS YOHANES PAULUS II <p>Dokumen-dokumen Gereja sesudah Konsili Vatikan II telah banyak menyajikan pengertian yang serba kaya tentang evangelisasi, salah satu Anjuran Apostolik <em>Ecclesia in Asia. </em>Dokumen ini menampilkan serangkaian pendekatan konkret untuk misi Gereja di Asia. <em>Ecclesia in Asia </em>menyadari kemendesakkan Gereja-Gereja setempat untuk menampilkan misteri Kristus kepada bangsa-bangsa di Asia sesuai dengan budaya dan cara pikir orang Asia. <em>Ecclesia in Asia </em>menjadi petunjuk penting bagi karya misioner Gereja Asia pada masa yang akan datang. Sinode Asia telah mempertemukan simpul-simpul penting yang diusulkan oleh Gereja-Gereja setempat. Dokumen ini merefleksikan keprihatinan-keprihatinan pastoral misioner demi tugas khusus yang diemban Gereja Asia. Mencermati wajah Asia pada umumnya, kita dapat melihat realitas yang berbeda. Di samping hal-hal yang positif, ada banyak kenyataan yang sungguh membangkitkan keprihatinan yang mendalam. Kalau kita memfokuskan diri pada hal-hal yang negatif, ternyata ada seribu satu masalah, baik dalam kehidupan beragama, politik, sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. Menghadapi realitas ini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Paus Yohanes Paulus II menganjurkan sikap pastoral dan misionernya lewat Anjuran Apostolik <em>Ecclesia in Asia, </em>yang akan penulis paparkan dalam artikel ini.</p> Herkulanus Pongkot, Surip Stanislaus, Andreas Eko Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sen, 21 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 PERANAN KAUM AWAM DALAM MISI GEREJA DI ASIA REFLEKSI TEOLOGIS – PASTORAL MENURUT FABC <p>Dewasa ini, Gereja Katolik banyak menaruh perhatian pada kaum awam, baik keberadaannya sebagai anggota Gereja maupun karya-karya kerasulannya dalam hidup menggerja dan memasyarakat. Dalam diri kaum awam inilah, para Uskup Asia (FABC) menaruh harapan besar untuk menjalankan misi Gereja di tengah pluralitas agama dan budaya masyarakat Asia. Selain itu, para Uskup Asia sangat mengharapkan kerja sama kaum awam untuk mewartakan nilai-nilai Kerajaan Allah kepada masyarakat Asia yang miskin dan menderita. Kaum awamlah yang mempunyai andil dan peran yang sangat menentukan bagi keberadaan Gereja dan masyarakat Asia, sebab kaum awam adalah anggota Gereja dan sekaligus anggota masyarakat. Kaum awam mewartakan nilai-nilai Kerajaan Allah melalui dialog dan kesaksian hidup. Demikianlah mereka memancarkan iman, harapan dan cinta kasih serta menampakkan Kristus kepada sesama.</p> Albert Simangunsong, Yohanes Anjar Donobakti, Poltak Hamonangan Samosir Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sel, 22 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 SINODALITAS GEREJA YANG PARTISIPATIF DAN BERPUSAT PADA KRISTUS <p>Keberadaan Gereja sebagai sebuah serikat (kumpulan jemaat) bukanlah hasil ciptaan manusia, melainkan lahir atas kehendak ilahi. Kristus sendirilah yang meletakkan hal-hal yang esensial dari Pengajaran, Liturgi dan Konstitusi yang mewarnai keberadaan Gereja. Pendirian itu tidak lepas dari penggenapan kehendak ilahi yang ingin menyelamatkan manusia. Bermula dengan peristiwa inkarnasi, Allah membentuk komunitas kristiani yang mendengar, menghidupi, dan mewartakan sabda-Nya. Komunitas ini didirikan untuk mengkomunikasi iman ke tengah dunia melalui panggilan misi. Pengkomunikasian iman (pewartaan) yang dilakukan oleh Gereja dapat berjalan dengan semestinya apabila senantiasa berpusat pada Kristus dalam Persekutuan dengan Bapa dan Roh Kudus. Dari Kristus, Gereja menerima kuasa otoritatif berupa kuasa mengajar, kuasa memimpin dan kuasa menguduskan. Dengan kuasa yang diterimanya dari Kristus, Gereja berjalan bersama dalam semangat partisipatif untuk mewujudkan hadirnya Kerajaan Allah di tengah dunia (misi).</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Bertholomeus N.A.P. Ngita Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sel, 22 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200 LUK 24:13-35 DAN TEOLOGI SINODALITAS <p>This study seeks to explore how the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35 embodies a theology of synodality. The theology of synodality has become a central focus in the life of the Catholic Church today, particularly since Pope Francis highlighted its importance in the third millennium. Synodality, etymologically meaning "walking together" (synodos), is based on three main pillars: communion, participation, and mission among all Church members. In this context, the passage from Luke 24:13-35, which describes the journey to Emmaus, offers rich, profound, and relevant insights to enhance and deepen the theology of synodality. This article aims to analyze this passage using both synchronic and diachronic approaches, examining the writings of the Church Fathers, Church documents, and Church history. The results of this analysis will then be engaged in dialogue with the theology of synodality to explore its relevance and potential contributions to this theological framework.</p> Nathanio C. Maranatha Bangun, F.X. Marmidi, Surip Stanislaus Copyright (c) 2024 Seminar Nasional Filsafat Teologi Sel, 22 Okt 2024 00:00:00 +0200