Prestasi Mahasiswa, Naïve Bayes, Status Ekonomi Keluarga, Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa, Nilai Akademik, Prediksi PrestasiAbstract
Student achievement is one of the important indicators in the field of education. Various factors can influence student achievement, and one of them is family economic status and student discipline. The objective of this research is to predict student achievement using the Naive Bayes method based on economic status and student discipline. The Naive Bayes method is a simple and easily implementable classification method. The data used in this study consists of family economic status, attendance level, and academic grades of the students. The results of the research indicate that this method is accurate in predicting student achievement. This demonstrates the importance of family economic status and student discipline in student achievement. This research is expected to provide valuable information to enhance student achievement by understanding the relationship between economic status and discipline.References
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