
  • Vera Nova Sitanggang FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan
  • Viator Lumban Raja FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan
  • Jontra Jusat Pangaribuan FKIP, Universitas Katolik Santo Thomas Medan



The aim of this study is to find whether Team Game Tournament Technique works effectively on improving students’ reading comprehension and to know what the students’ responses after being taught by using Team Game Tournament Technique. In order to achieve the objectives of study, a classroom action research was designed and carried out in this study. The participants of this study were 25 students of class VIII-1 of SMP Negeri 2 Parapat in the academic year 2017/2018. Test, observation sheet and field notes were used as the instruments for collecting data. The results of the study showed significant improvement of the students’ skill in reading. It is proven by the students’ mean score of each test: pre test was 48.80 with 16% %, formative test was 67,52 with 28% and post test was 81.52 with 72%. In addition, the analysis result of the observation sheet and field notes showed that Team Game Tournament Technique changed the students’ learning behaviour being better than before. They were more enthusiastic during the learnng speaking process in each cycle. Based on the result of those study instruments, it can be concluded that using Team Game Tournament Technique gives the improvement to students’ reading comprehension. This technique is seuggested to English teacher to apply it in teaching learning reading in order to improve students’ reading comprehension. The writer also suggest to other writers to explore another studies on Team Game Tournament Technique to improve the students’ reading comprehension and try to apply this technique in different language skills.


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How to Cite

Sitanggang, V. N., Lumban Raja, V., & Pangaribuan, J. J. (2020). IMPROVING THE EIGHTH GRADE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSIION THROUGH TEAM GAME TOURNAMENT TECHNIQUE AT SMP NEGERI 2 PARAPAT. Kairos English Language Teaching Journal, 2(3), 199–210.


